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 Tsunami au Japon

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8 participants
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 12:47

Bill a écrit:

mais sinon... les gars, je vais y avoir droit a leurs nuage

Quelque part je voudrais te dire que le vent va le pousser vers le Pacifique et que la pluie va noyer les particules dans l'océan, mais maintenant...
J'ai enfin commandé ton livre... Quand tu rentres, tu me feras une dédicace non-radioactive, s'il te plaît...
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 45
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 18:13

- Fuite classé niveau 6 (sur 7)
- +/- 50 ingénieurs/techniciens tentent le tout pour le tout sur le terrain (très probablement au mépris de leurs vies)
- Une certaine peur (ou panique) commence doucement à atteindre Tokyo
- A la base US aéronavale de Yokohama, conseil est donné de restreindre les mouvements

- Les japonais envisagent d'utiliser des hélico pour larguer de l'eau directement sur les réacteurs
(signe probable de l'immensité de la catastrophe qui est sur le point d'arriver)

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Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 18:20

Sur France 5, dans l'émission de Calvi, un intervenant évoquait la probabilité d'opérations-suicide pour sauver la centrale. En clair, des personnels qui se sacrifieraient volontairement pour rester sur zone.
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 18:25

C'est ce qui s'est fait à Tchernobyl et le principe un peu du nucléaire en général...

Pour revenir au Tsunami et ses autres conséquences, une base de F-2 a été balayée comme disait Mike, je crois.
Il me semble que leur théâtre de prédilection était le domaine maritime avec la lutte anti-navire est-ce que je me trompe ?
Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Japan_10

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 13000710
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 45
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 18:36

18 avions de combat F-2 sont détruits ou endommagés...

Actuellement divers médias évacuent leurs journalistes de la région

Triple Amen Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Marin-si
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Nombre de messages : 6717
Age : 60
Ville : marseille
Emploi : fonctionnaire
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMar 15 Mar 2011, 19:06

Du fait de la radio activité le site est en passe d'être évacué totalement ce qui explique que les interventions programmées pour arroser la piscine de rétention du réacteur 4 se fasse par hélicoptère. A l'instar de ceux de Tchernobyl les équipages même protégés de ces hélicos exposent leur vie.

Cette interview d'Olivier Isnard est très intéressante et permet de relativiser qq peu les inquiétudes à propos de Tokyo et de son agglomération

pour le moment

Crise nucléaire au Japon : le pire scénario en marche ?'aime beaucoup le "Les réacteurs 1 et 3 sont-ils sous contrôle ? «en partie oui, selon les informations dont nous disposons.»
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Capitaine de vaisseau
Capitaine de vaisseau

Nombre de messages : 4502
Age : 52
Ville : ca vat, ca vient.... j'ai un metier !
Emploi : glorieux et beau
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 00:36

une question, mais il faudrait verifier la distance avec le port

un gros remorqueur avec des lances a incendie du modele enorme, amarres sur la jetee devant le reacteur ont le met en place, , laissons les moteurs en route et ont l'evacue

ca parait dingue, mais pas plus que le reste Boulet

Dernière édition par Bill le Mer 16 Mar 2011, 05:01, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 00:44

Ce serait une bonne idée, il faudrait seulement 4 remorqueurs comme c'est parti, car entre-temps :
Fukushima : incendie au réacteur 4
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 08:22

Tout se déroule assez mal... Incendies dans une des enceintes, une autre enceinte éventrée...
Et de nouvelles répliques et la neige qui commence à tomber...

Le sort s'acharne sur les Japonais.

Press Release (Mar 16,2011)
Transfer of Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Station Workers

At approximately 6:00 today, an abnormal noise began emanating from nearby
the pressure suppression chamber of Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Station.
Given that the pressure within this chamber had decreased, it was believed
that this was an indication that an abnormality had arisen.
From this
point on, while water injection operations are still underway, the
temporary transfer to a safe place of TEPCO employees and workers from
other companies not directly involved with this work has begun. Currently,
at Fukushima Dai-ichi Power Station, the remaining workers are doing their
best to secure the safety and security of the site.

The parameters for Unit 2's nuclear containment vessel and the containment
vessel show no significant change.

We are aware of and sincerely apologize for the great distress and
inconvenience this incident has caused to not just those inhabitants
residing in the immediate vicinity but also society at large.

Le débuts de la réfrigération à l'aide d'un Chinook et d'un seau a commencé... Neutral
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 11:05

lowlow a écrit:
Tout se déroule assez mal... Incendies dans une des enceintes, une autre enceinte éventrée...
Et de nouvelles répliques et la neige qui commence à tomber...

Le sort s'acharne sur les Japonais.

Le débuts de la réfrigération à l'aide d'un Chinook et d'un seau a commencé... Neutral

L'arrosage est impossible... Les radiations sont trop importantes... Neutral
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 45
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 11:22

Le niveau 7 tape a la porte....
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 11:37

colombamike a écrit:
Le niveau 7 tape a la porte....

.... Neutral

Press Release (Mar 16,2011)
Fire occurrence at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Unit 4 (2nd Release)

At approximately 5:45 am, a TEPCO employee discovered a fire at
the northwest corner of the Nuclear Reactor Building
while transporting
a battery to the central control room of Unit 4 of Fukushima Daiichi
Nuclear Power Station.
TEPCO immediately reported this incident to the fire department and
the local government. In addition, TEPCO also contacted related parties
about this incident and began immediate preparations to extinguish
the fire. (previously announced)

However, during an inspection at approximately 6:15 am, TEPCO staff found
no signs of fire. The area will be kept under strict surveillance.

On ne devrait pas revoir Bill pendant quelques temps...
La " Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Gob_icon " censurée en Chine
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Amiral de la Flotte
Amiral de la Flotte

Nombre de messages : 1270
Age : 57
Ville : mouans sartoux (06)
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2005

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 13:49

et l'empereur lui meme se dit "preoccupé par la situation"

aux vues de ce que je sais de la mentalité japonaise (en fait beaucoup moins que nombre d'emminents membres de ce forum) je traduirais ça comme : que font les divers responsables? qu'auraient ils pu faire pour amelioré la situation?...
bref, y'a du hara kiri dans l'air, certains responsables de la compagnie electrique doivent preparer leurs haiku

frog of war le e-zine des pousseurs de pions.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 14:06

patzekiller a écrit:
et l'empereur lui meme se dit "preoccupé par la situation"

aux vues de ce que je sais de la mentalité japonaise (en fait beaucoup moins que nombre d'emminents membres de ce forum) je traduirais ça comme : que font les divers responsables? qu'auraient ils pu faire pour amelioré la situation?...
bref, y'a du hara kiri dans l'air, certains responsables de la compagnie electrique doivent preparer leurs haiku

J'ai lu dans les nouvelles russes, que la responsabilité de TEPCO pouvait être engagée. Car toutes les installations ou constructions au Japon sont sensées tenir à un tremblement de terre et/ou un tsunami. Et il semble que dans ce cas là, le danger n'a pas été correctement pris en compte, ce qui rendrait responsable les dirigeants de cette compagnie.
Connaissant les Japonais, il est clair que cela a une signification très importante.

Press Release (Mar 16,2011)
Impact to TEPCO's Facilities due to Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake (as of 2:00PM)

Below is the status of TEPCO's major facilities that suffered from the
Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake that occurred at 2:46PM, March 11th 2011.
*new items are underlined

[Nuclear Power Station]
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake
Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection at the occurrence of

*The national government has instructed to evacuate for those local
residents within 20km radius of the site periphery and to remain
indoors for those local residents within 30km radius of the site

*Since the value of radioactive materials (iodine, etc) at the site
(outside) measured by monitoring car exceeded the ordinary level,
it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in article 15,
clause 1 occurred (Extraordinary increase of radiation dose at site
- 4:17 pm, March 15th at the main gate of the site
- 11:05 pm, March 15th at the main gate of the site

* Unit 1
The explosive sound and white smoke was confirmed near Unit 1 after
the big quake occurred at 3:36pm, March 12th. We have started sea
water injection at 8:20 pm and then boric acid into the reactor.

*Unit 2
At 1:25 pm, March 14th, since the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
has failed, it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in
article 15, clause 1 occurred (failure of reactor cooling function).
At 5:17 pm, while the water level in the reactor reached the top of the
fuel rod, we have restarted the water injection with the valve operation.
At approximately 6:14 am, March 15th, the extraordinary sound was
confirmed near the suppression chamber and the pressure inside the
chamber decreased afterwards. It was determined that there is a
possibility that something extraordinary happened in the suppression
chamber. While sea water injection to the reactor continued, TEPCO
employees and workers from other companies not in charge of injection
work started tentative evacuation to a safe location.
Sea water injection to the reactor is still under operation.

*Unit 3
At 6:50 am, March 14th, while water injection to the reactor was under
operation, the pressure in the reactor containment vessel increased to
530 kPa. As a result, at 7:44 am, it was determined that a specific
incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred (abnormal increase
of the pressure of reactor containment vessel). Afterwards, the pressure
has gradually decreased (as of 9:05 am, 450 kPa).

At approximately 11:01 am, March 14th, an explosion followed by white
smoke occurred near Unit 3. 4 TEPCO employees and 3 workers from other
companies (all of them are conscious) have sustained injuries and they
were already dispatched to the hospital by ambulances.

*Unit 4
At approximately 6:00 am, March 15th, an explosive sound occurred and
the damage in the 5th floor roof of Unit 4 reactor building was
confirmed. At 9:38 am, the fire near the north-west part of 4th floor
of Unit 4 reactor building was confirmed. At approximately 11:00 am,
TEPCO employee confirmed that the fire was off.

At approximately 5:45 am, a TEPCO employee discovered a fire at the
northwest corner of the Nuclear Reactor Building. TEPCO immediately
reported this incident to the fire department and the local government
and prepared to extinguish the fire. However, during an inspection at
approximately 6:15 am, TEPCO staff found no signs of fire.

Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake
*The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 10km radius of the periphery.

*As the radiation dose at the site boundary exceeded the limitation,
it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in article 15,
clause 1 occurred (Extraordinary increase of radiation dose at site
boundary) at 9:58 pm, March 14th and at 0:00 am, March 15th.

*Reactor cooling function was restored and cooling of rectors was
conducted. As a result, all reactors achieved cold shutdown: Unit 1
at 5:00 pm, March 14th, Unit 2 at 6:00 pm, March 14th, Unit 3 at
0:15 pm, March 12th, Unit 4 at 7:15 am, March 15th.

* (Unit 1)

As it is confirmed that the temperature of the Emergency Equipment
Cooling Water System *1 has increased, at 3:20 pm, March 15th, we
stopped the Residual Heat Removal System (B) for the inspection.
Subsequently, failure was detected in the power supply facility
associated with the pumps of the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water
System. At 4:25 pm, March 15th, after replacing the power facility,
the pumps and the Residual Heat Removal System (B) have been

* (Unit 4)
As it is confirmed that the pressure at the outlet of the pumps of
the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System*1 has been decreased,
at 8:05 pm, March 15th, we stopped the Residual Heat Removal System
(B) for the inspection. Subsequently, failure was detected in the
power supply facility associated with the pumps of the Emergency
Equipment Cooling Water System. At 9:25 pm, March 15th, after
replacing the relevant facility, the pumps and the Residual Heat
Removal System (B) have been reactivated.

*1:emergency water system in which cooling water (pure water) circulates
which exchanged the heat with sea water in order to cool down bearing
pumps and/or heat exchangers etc.

Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation
Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection
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Nombre de messages : 6717
Age : 60
Ville : marseille
Emploi : fonctionnaire
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 14:38

Point de situation aujourd'hui à 9h de l'IRSN:
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 21:03

Communiqué du soir :

Press Release (Mar 16,2011)
Impact to TEPCO's Facilities due to Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake (as of 10:00PM)

Due to the Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake which occurred on March 11th
2011, TEPCO's facilities including our nuclear power stations have been
severely damaged. We deeply apologies for the anxiety and inconvenience

Below is the status of TEPCO's major facilities.

[Nuclear Power Station]
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake
(Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection)

* The national government has instructed to evacuate for those local
residents within 20km radius of the site periphery and to remain indoors
for those local residents between 20km and 30km radius of the site

* Unit 1

The explosive sound and white smoke was confirmed near Unit 1 when the
big quake occurred at 3:36pm, March 12th. We have started injection of
sea water at 8:20 pm and then boric acid into the reactor afterwards.

* Unit 2
At 1:25 pm, March 14th, since the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
has failed, it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in
article 15, clause 1 occurred (failure of reactor cooling function).
At 5:17 pm, while the water level in the reactor reached the top of
the fuel rod, we have restarted the water injection with the valve
At approximately 6:14 am, March 15th, the abnormal sound was confirmed
near the suppression chamber and the pressure inside the chamber
decreased afterwards. It was determined that there is a possibility that
something happened in the suppression chamber. While sea water injection
to the reactor continued, TEPCO employees and workers from other
companies not in charge of injection work started tentative evacuation to
a safe location.
Sea water injection to the reactor is still under operation.

* Unit 3

At 6:50 am, March 14th, while water injection to the reactor was under
operation, the pressure in the reactor containment vessel increased to
530 kPa. As a result, at 7:44 am, it was determined that a specific
incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred (abnormal increase
of the pressure of reactor containment vessel). Afterwards, the pressure
has gradually decreased (as of 9:05 am, 490 kPa).

At approximately 11:01 am, March 14th, an explosion followed by white
smoke occurred near Unit 3. 4 TEPCO employees and 3 workers from other
companies (all of them are conscious) have sustained injuries and they
were already dispatched to the hospital by ambulances.

As the temperature of water in the spent fuel pool rose, spraying water
by helicopters with the support of the Self Defense Force was considered,
however the works today have been cancelled.

* Unit 4
At approximately 6:00 am, March 15th, an explosive sound occurred and
the damage in the 5th floor roof of Unit 4 reactor building was
confirmed. At 9:38 am, the fire near the north-west part of 4th floor of
Unit 4 reactor building was confirmed. At approximately 11:00 am, TEPCO
employee confirmed that the fire was off.

At approximately 5:45 am, a TEPCO employee discovered a fire at
the northwest corner of the Nuclear Reactor Building. TEPCO immediately
reported this incident to the fire department and the local government
and proceeded with the extinction of fire. At approximately 6:15 am,
TEPCO staff confirmed at the site that there are no signs of fire.

* We will continuously endeavor to securing safety, and monitoring of
the surrounding environment.

Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake
* The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 10km radius of the periphery.

* In order to achieve cold shutdown, reactor cooling function was
restored and cooling of reactors was conducted. As a result, all reactors
achieved cold shutdown: Unit 1 at 5:00 pm, March 14th, Unit 2 at 6:00 pm,
March 14th, Unit 3 at 0:15 pm, March 12th, Unit 4 at 7:15 am, March 16th.

* (Unit 1)
As it is confirmed that the temperature of the Emergency Equipment
Cooling Water System *1 has increased, at 3:20 pm, March 15th, we stopped
the Residual Heat Removal System (B) for the inspection. Subsequently,
failure was detected in the power supply facility associated with
the pumps of the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System. At 4:25 pm,
March 15th, after replacing the power facility, the pumps and
the Residual Heat Removal System (B) have been reactivated.

* (Unit 4)
As it is confirmed that the pressure at the outlet of the pumps of
the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System*1 has been decreased,
at 8:05 pm, March 15th, we stopped the Residual Heat Removal System (B)
for the inspection. Subsequently, failure was detected in the power
supply facility associated with the pumps of the Emergency Equipment
Cooling Water System. At 9:25 pm, March 15th, after replacing
the relevant facility, the pumps and the Residual Heat Removal System (B)
have been reactivated.

*1:emergency water system in which cooling water (pure water)
circulates which exchanged the heat with sea water in order to cool down
bearing pumps and/or heat exchangers etc.

Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station:

Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation
(Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection)
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 45
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 21:56

Pour la 1ere fois, de manière officielle, les autorités US contre-disent les communiqués officiels japonais et annoncent que la situation est biens plus grave qu'annoncée...
Les sauveteurs US qui tentent de secourir les sinistrés du Tsunami ont ordre d'être éloignés d'au moins 50 miles de la centrale de Fukushima-Daichii.
Revenir en haut Aller en bas

Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 22:06

colombamike a écrit:
Pour la 1ere fois, de manière officielle, les autorités US contre-disent les communiqués officiels japonais et annoncent que la situation est biens plus grave qu'annoncée...
Les sauveteurs US qui tentent de secourir les sinistrés du Tsunami ont ordre d'être éloignés d'au moins 50 miles de la centrale de Fukushima-Daichii.

Je pense que aujourd'hui (pour ne pas dire avant) les Japonais sont dépassés par les évènements... Mais à la vue de leur situation, il serait difficile de ne pas l'être... Shit
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 45
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyMer 16 Mar 2011, 22:06

L'État visuel des 4 réacteurs...
Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 DG_March_16_annotated_copy_thumb
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 11:33

Arrosage par les Chinook de l'armée du réacteur n°3.

Press Release (Mar 17,2011)
Impact to TEPCO's Facilities due to Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake (as of 10:00AM)

Due to the Tohoku-Taiheiyou-Oki Earthquake which occurred on March 11th
2011, TEPCO's facilities including our nuclear power stations have been
severely damaged. We deeply apologies for the anxiety and inconvenience

Below is the status of TEPCO's major facilities.

[Nuclear Power Station]
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station:

Units 1 to 3: shutdown due to earthquake
(Units 4 to 6: outage due to regular inspection)

* The national government has instructed to evacuate for those local
residents within 20km radius of the site periphery and to remain indoors
for those local residents between 20km and 30km radius of the site

* Unit 1
The explosive sound and white smoke was confirmed near Unit 1 when the big
quake occurred at 3:36pm, March 12th. We have started injection of sea
water at 8:20 pm and then boric acid into the reactor afterwards.

* Unit 2

At 1:25 pm, March 14th, since the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System
has failed, it was determined that a specific incident stipulated in
article 15, clause 1 occurred (failure of reactor cooling function).
At 5:17 pm, while the water level in the reactor reached the top of the
fuel rod, we have restarted the water injection with the valve operation.
At approximately 6:14 am, March 15th, the abnormal sound was confirmed
near the suppression chamber and the pressure inside the chamber
decreased afterwards. It was determined that there is a possibility that
something happened in the suppression chamber. While sea water injection
to the reactor continued, TEPCO employees and workers from other companies
not in charge of injection work started tentative evacuation to a safe
Sea water injection to the reactor is still under operation.

* Unit 3
At 6:50 am, March 14th, while water injection to the reactor was under
operation, the pressure in the reactor containment vessel increased to
530 kPa. As a result, at 7:44 am, it was determined that a specific
incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 occurred (abnormal increase
of the pressure of reactor containment vessel). Afterwards, the pressure
has gradually decreased (as of 9:05 am, 490 kPa).

At approximately 11:01 am, March 14th, an explosion followed by white
smoke occurred near Unit 3. 4 TEPCO employees and 3 workers from other
companies (all of them are conscious) have sustained injuries and they
were already dispatched to the hospital by ambulances.

As the temperature of water in the spent fuel pool rose, spraying water
by helicopters with the support of the Self Defense Force was considered,
however the works on March 16th was cancelled.

At 6:15 am Today, March 17th, the pressure of the Suppression Chamber
temporally increased, but currently it is stable in a certain range.
Monitoring will be continued.
In order to cool spent fuel pool, water discharge by helicopters has
been conducted today on March 17th with the cooperation of Self-Defense

* Unit 4
At approximately 6:00 am, March 15th, an explosive sound occurred and the
damage in the 5th floor roof of Unit 4 reactor building was confirmed. At
9:38 am, the fire near the north-west part of 4th floor of Unit 4 reactor
building was confirmed. At approximately 11:00 am, TEPCO employee
confirmed that the fire was off.

At approximately 5:45 am, a TEPCO employee discovered a fire at the
northwest corner of the Nuclear Reactor Building. TEPCO immediately
reported this incident to the fire department and the local government and
proceeded with the extinction of fire. At approximately 6:15 am, TEPCO
staff confirmed at the site that there are no signs of fire.

*We will continuously endeavor to securing safety, and monitoring of the
surrounding environment.

Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station:

Units 1 to 4: shutdown due to earthquake
* The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 10km radius of the periphery.

* In order to achieve cold shutdown, reactor cooling function was restored
and cooling of reactors was conducted. As a result, all reactors achieved
cold shutdown: Unit 1 at 5:00 pm, March 14th, Unit 2 at 6:00 pm,
March 14th, Unit 3 at 0:15 pm, March 12th, Unit 4 at 7:15 am, March 16th.

* (Unit 1)
As it is confirmed that the temperature of the Emergency Equipment
Cooling Water System *1 has increased, at 3:20 pm, March 15th, we stopped
the Residual Heat Removal System (B) for the inspection. Subsequently,
failure was detected in the power supply facility associated with the
pumps of the Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System. At 4:25 pm, March
15th, after replacing the power facility, the pumps and the Residual Heat
Removal System (B) have been reactivated.

* (Unit 4)
As it is confirmed that the pressure at the outlet of the pumps of the
Emergency Equipment Cooling Water System*1 has been decreased, at 8:05 pm,
March 15th, we stopped the Residual Heat Removal System (B) for the
inspection. Subsequently, failure was detected in the power supply
facility associated with the pumps of the Emergency Equipment Cooling
Water System. At 9:25 pm, March 15th, after replacing the relevant
facility, the pumps and the Residual Heat Removal System (B) have been

*1:emergency water system in which cooling water (pure water) circulates
which exchanged the heat with sea water in order to cool down bearing
pumps and/or heat exchangers etc.

Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station:
Units 1, 5, 6, 7: normal operation
(Units 2 to 4: outage due to regular inspection)
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Nombre de messages : 6717
Age : 60
Ville : marseille
Emploi : fonctionnaire
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 11:40

Images de la NHK sur les largages effectués cette nuit heure de Paris par deux CH 47 soit dans la journée de jeudi au Japon où désormais il fait nuit

Le premier est un vrai matraquage avec une bonne concentration... le reste je vous laisse juge
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 18:23

Press Release (Mar 17,2011)
Plant Status of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (as of 0:00 pm Mar 17th)

All 6 units of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station have been shut down.

Unit 1(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down. However, the explosive sound and white smoke
were confirmed after the big quake occurred at 3:36PM Mar 12th. It was
assumed to be hydrogen explosion and currently under the investigation.
- We have been injecting sea water into the reactor pressure vessel.

Unit 2(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down and Reactor Core Isolation Cooling System has
been injecting water to the reactor. However, reactor pressure has
increased because the system stopped, causing reactor water level
to drop. Following the instruction by the government and with fully
securing safety, measure to lower the pressure level within the reactor
containment vessel and injection of sea water were taken, reactor
pressure and water level resumed.
- We are continuing the injection of sea water into the reactor.
- At approximately 6:00am, an abnormal noise began emanating from nearby
Pressure Suppression Chamber and the pressure within this chamber

- While we continue sea water injection operations, the temporary transfer
of TEPCO employees and workers from other companies not directly
involved in this work has begun.

Unit 3(Shut down)
- Reactor has been shut down. However, the explosive sound and white smoke
were confirmed at 11:01AM Mar 14th. It was assumed to be hydrogen
explosion and currently under the investigation.
- We confirmed fog like steam from reactor building at 8:30AM on March 16th.
- As it was reported that the pressure of the Suppression Chamber
temporally increased at around 6:15AM on March 17th, we will continue

- In order to cool spent fuel pool of Unit 3 we conducted water spray by
helicopters of Self-Defense Force at approximately 9:48 am. We are
continuously monitoring the spent fuel pool and plan to conduct water
spray to other Units.

- We have been injecting sea water into the reactor pressure vessel.

Unit 4 (shut down due to regular inspection)

- Reactor has been shut down. However, we have confirmed the sustained
damage around the 5th floor rooftop area of the Nuclear Reactor
- Afterwards, we confirmed the outbreak of fire at the northwestern part
of Nuclear Reactor Building. We immediately reported this matter to the
fire department and the related authorities.
- However, at approximately 11:00am, when TEPCO employee arrived at the
seen to confirm, the fire had already died down. At 5:45AM on March
16th, we confirmed the outbreak of the fire again but could not confirm
it at 6:15AM. We will continue to monitor the situation carefully.

Unit 5 (outage due to regular inspection)
- Reactor has been shut down and sufficient level of reactor coolant to
ensure safety is maintained.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage inside
the reactor containment vessel.

Unit 6 (outage due to regular inspection)
- Reactor has been shut down and sufficient level of reactor coolant to
ensure safety is maintained.
- Currently, we do not believe there is any reactor coolant leakage inside
the reactor containment vessel.

- 2 workers of cooperative firm were injured at the occurrence of
the earthquake, and were transported to the hospital.
- 1 TEPCO employee who was not able to stand by his own with his hand
holding left chest was transported to the hospital by an ambulance.
- 1 subcontract worker at important earthquake-proof building was
unconscious and transported to the hospital by an ambulance.
- The radiation exposure of 1 TEPCO employee, who was working inside
the reactor building, exceeded 100mSv and was transported to the hospital.
- 2 TEPCO employees felt bad during their operation in the central control
rooms of Unit 1 and 2 while wearing full masks, and were transferred to
Fukushima Daini Power Station for consultation with a medical advisor.
- 4 workers were injured and transported to the hospital after explosive
sound and white smoke were confirmed around the Unit 1.
- 11 workers were injured and transported to Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power
Station after explosive sound and white smoke were confirmed around
the Unit 3.One of the injured workers got medical treatment on March
16th, but the worker reported a flank pain. We re quired to
the offsite center that the worker should be transported to
the hospital. After that, the helicopter of JSDF arrived and
transported the worker to the FUKUSHIMA Medical University Hospital
at 10:56AM
- Presence of 2 TEPCO employees at the site is not confirmed.

- We are currently coordinating with the relevant authorities and
departments as to how to secure the cooling water to cool down the water
in the spent nuclear fuel pool of the plant.
- We measured radioactive materials inside of the nuclear power station
area (outdoor) by monitoring car and confirmed that radioactive
materials level is getting higher than ordinary level.
As listed below,
we have determined that specific incidents stipulated in article 15,
clause 1(Abnormal increase in radiation dose measured at site boundary)
have occurred.
•Determined at 4:17 pm Mar 12th (Around Monitoring Post 4 )
•Determined at 8:56 am Mar 13th (Around Monitoring Post 4 )
•Determined at 2:15 pm Mar 13th (Around Monitoring Post 4 )
•Determined at 3:50 am Mar 14th (Around Monitoring Post 6 )
•Determined at 4:15 am Mar 14th (Around Monitoring Post 2 )
•Determined at 9:27 am Mar 14th (Around Monitoring Post 3 )
•Determined at 9:37 pm Mar 14th (Around main entrance )
•Determined at 6:51 am Mar 15th (Around main entrance )
•Determined at 8:11 am Mar 15th (Around main entrance )
•Determined at 4:17 pm Mar 15th (Around main entrance )
•Determined at 11:05 pm Mar 15th (Around main entrance )

- We will continue to make announcements when it was determined that
a specific incident stipulated in article 15, clause 1 has occurred.
- The national government has instructed evacuation for those local
residents within 20km radius of the periphery and evacuation to inside
for those residents from 20km to 30km radius of the periphery, because
it's possible that radioactive materials are discharged.
- Today, at approximately 10am, we observed 400mSv/h at the inland side
of the Unit 3 reactor building and 100mSv/h at the inland side of
the Unit 4 reactor building.

- We will continue to take all measures to restore the security of
the site and to monitor the environment of the site periphery.

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Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 18:28

désolé mais si c'esst juste pour posté des communiqués de presses, je n'en vois pas l'utilité, c'est un forum içi non,pas un relay de presse anglophone.
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Nombre de messages : 6079
Age : 52
Ville : en face de l'exil de V. Hugo, à côté de chez Bill
Emploi : Mercenaire... :/
Date d'inscription : 11/09/2006

Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 18:36

adama a écrit:
désolé mais si c'esst juste pour posté des communiqués de presses, je n'en vois pas l'utilité, c'est un forum içi non,pas un relay de presse anglophone.

Je peux recopier la version japonaise, mais je ne parle pas cette langue. C'est le communiqué de presse de TEPCO la compagnie qui exploite la centrale.
L'avantage de ce communiqué de presse, même si il est en retard sur les évènements, il évite toute fantasmagorie.
Dans le cas où cela ne plaît pas, il est probablement nécessaire de s'abstenir de lire tous les articles de presses papiers, télévisuels ou internet qui sont postés sur ce forum.
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Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Tsunami au Japon   Tsunami au Japon - Page 4 EmptyJeu 17 Mar 2011, 18:38

ne te meprends pas sur la nature de mes sentiments lol! , juste que ses communiqué de presse en anglais (que je comprends) me saoul un peu voila tout
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