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 [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois

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Henri K.
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 44
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 25 Juil 2015, 20:03

Si, les commandes (quasi-simultanées, à quelques mois près !) des:
- 3 SSK type S26T pour la flotte Thaïlandaise
- 8 SSK type S20T (ou P ?) pour la flotte Pakistanaise
sont confirmées.

(et peut-être bientôt une possible commande de 2 SSK d'ici 2020 pour le Bangladesh... Rolling Eyes )

Cela risque d'impacter les livraisons de SSK type 039B pour la flotte chinoise dans les 6-8 prochaines années.

En effet ces commandes "extérieures" vont saturer le plan de charge des chantiers chinois, et y a pas beaucoup de chantiers chinois qui construisent des sous-marins...........un peu comme les récentes commandes de RAFALE par l’Égypte, le Qatar et l'Inde vont réduire les livraisons de RAFALE à l'armée de l'air pour 5 ans !

T'as des infos Henri sur cette problématique (possible réduction des livraisons de type 039B à la marine chinoise en 2016-2020).

Nota: mais ce plan de charge "externe" permettrait à la flotte chinoise de débuter la conception du successeur du type 039B (successeur qui est déjà étudié), je dis ça, je dit rien [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Marin-si

Dernière édition par Colombamike le Sam 25 Juil 2015, 20:16, édité 2 fois
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 25 Juil 2015, 20:08

Type 039A n'est plus produit depuis un moment... Donc je ne vois pas où est le problème.

Le chantier naval Changxing Jiangnan va se positionner dans la production des "produits militaires sous-marins", d'après le discours de son directeur au début d'année.

Je ne vois pas personnellement de problème particulier.

Henri K.
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 44
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 25 Juil 2015, 20:15

Henri K. a écrit:
Type 039A n'est plus produit depuis un moment... Donc je ne vois pas où est le problème.
Je ne vois pas personnellement de problème particulier.

J'ai fait une erreur, je parlai du dernier modèle de type 039 en construction actuellement, le type 039B...
Et la moi je vois le problème (à court terme (2016-2022), pour la flotte chinoise).

Plan de charge Henri, plan de charge.

A mon avis, le rythme de construction des 039B pour la flotte chinoise devrait baisser....(pour permettre la construction de ces 11 type S20)
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 25 Juil 2015, 20:29

Je ne cause pas avec l'Admiral HU donc je ne sais pas quel est le nombre cible, mais une chose est sûr, la Chine ne va plus construire autant de SSK même AIP.

D'où le fait que je disais que je ne vois pas de problème.

Henri K.
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 44
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 25 Juil 2015, 20:45

Henri K. a écrit:
Je ne cause pas avec l'Admiral HU donc je ne sais pas quel est le nombre cible, mais une chose est sûr, la Chine ne va plus construire autant de SSK même AIP.

Mauvais choix des Tinois (faudra que je papote avec HU autour d'un pastis, on aura des choses à se dire  Mr.Red )
Les SSK seront très utiles dans un conflit face à l'US Navy (ou face aux japonais, aux coréens, aux indiens, aux martiens Mr. Green ).

Quand tu voit qu'un SSN c'est le prix de 1,5 à 2,2 SSK Rolling Eyes  (et que les SSK sont parfois souvent plus discrets/silencieux que les SSN).

Désormais, avec la capacité des SSK d’être plus silencieux que les SSN et d’être capable d'emporter des drones aériens/sous-marins ainsi que des VLS pour missiles (+ le fait que l'entretien des SSK est énormément moins couteux que celui d'entretenir un SSN). Le dernier avantage des SSN (propulsion nucléaire) contre les SSK (propulsion classique), c'est leurs très longue autonomie*....

Et dans le cadre d'un conflit jusqu'au 2eme "collier de perle", la très longue autonomie*........
[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Marin-si

"Autonomie illimitée des SSN", je rigole [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Tele , l'autonomie d'un sous-marins restera toujours limité..."par l'endurance de son équipage". Cela ne sert à rien d'avoir un réacteur, si l'équipage est HS au bout de 3 semaines ou 3 mois.....
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[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyDim 26 Juil 2015, 02:56

Colombamike a écrit:

Mauvais choix des Tinois (faudra que je papote avec HU autour d'un pastis, on aura des choses à se dire  Mr.Red )
Les SSK seront très utiles dans un conflit face à l'US Navy (ou face aux japonais, aux coréens, aux indiens, aux martiens Mr. Green ).

Attention: la chine a déjà plus de soums que les US. Reste à faire plus de soums qualitatifs (ssk, ssn, snle) Mais cela a un coût.
Donc la suite logique maintenant que la quantité est là: faire mieux ! Cadence plus lente donc.
Et en plus :
- le commerce baisse (si si, même pour eux)
- vendre de l'armement a son rôle dans le jeux de la géopolitique

Donc certes, fabriquer autant de soums pour d'autres va faire baisser les cadences pour ceux de la Chine. Mais il semble que pour l'heure ils ont ce qu'il faut pour tout faire "péter" jusqu'à la deuxième chaîne.
Pour l'océan "lointain" (pacifique, indien), il en faut des ++, qui coûtent plus cher, plus lent à construire et tout et tout.

Et pour finir: ils restent quand même très discret sur les soums, il n'est donc pas idiot de penser qu'un ou plus de nouveaux chantiers navals se préparent ou soient déjà prêt à faire du soum.... Car de notre point de vue, leurs constructions de soums ressemblent au 052D à Dalian: à l'ancienne. Je ne serais pas étonné de voir un petit "upgrade" de leurs chantiers navals.
Faire un soum c'est faire de la guerre, le vendre c'est l'éviter: même si changement politique en Thaïlande ou Pakistan : leurs soums ne pourront embêter les Tinois. Sur ce type d'équipements, comme les avions, navires et dernières gen de chars: le vendeur sait comment les repérer, désactiver, saboter, détruire. Aucun doute la dessus.
Donc même si il y a un impact  (il y en aura un) sur les cadences de livraisons pour la Chine, tout comme Henry, je n'y vois pas un souci. Au contraire: faire du commerce, rentrer de la devise pour financer la modernisation des chantiers, resserrer les "alliances", repousser l’influence occidentale et russe. Bref, que du gagnant.
La ou la quantité manque encore c'est sur les gros navires de 7000 tonnes ou plus. Mais là, pas d'exportation pour l'instant. Cela viendra... Enfin, tout le monde ne peux pas se permettre ce type d'achat. Peut être les russes si leurs chantiers ne vont toujours pas mieux... Ils ont bien tenté de nous acheter des BPC !
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyVen 31 Juil 2015, 16:10

Le 31 Juillet 2015 vers 13h00 heure locale, le chantier naval Hudong à Shanghai a mis à flot la 3ème corvette de type C28A, immatriculé 922.



D'après les spotteurs de Shanghai, le 1er de série, immatriculé 920, n'est plus au chantier naval.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyVen 31 Juil 2015, 23:37

La marine royale thaïlandaise vient de rendre public un livre blanc de 9 pages détaillant la raison de l'acquisition de 3 sous-marins SSK chinois de type S-26T, pour 36 milliards de Baht, soit un peu plus d'1 milliard USD.

En résumé -

1 ) La Chine propose 3 SSK pour ce prix, alors que les autres pays n'en proposent que 2.
2 ) Les SSK chinois seront équipés de l'AIP, qui assure une autonomie sous l'eau de 21 jours.
3 ) Le package chinois comprend 8 ans de la maintenance & pièces, plus 2 ans de garantie. Les autres pays n'en proposent que 1 an.
4 ) La Chine propose d'entraîner les équipages thaï pendant 3 ans.
5 ) La Chine assure le ToT.
6 ) S-26T est en double-coque.
7 ) Les SSK seront admis au service actif dans 7 à 10 ans.
8 ) Le Thaïlande pourra payer par tranche, entre 7 à 10 ans.
9 ) La Chine propose les meilleurs armements.










Navy argues subs protect seas

Citation :
31 Jul 2015 at 03:28

The navy has launched a nine-page white paper on the urgent need to purchase submarines to safeguard lucrative national maritime interests and maintain security during maritime conflicts.

Critics earlier this month condemned the navy's proposal to spend roughly 36 billion baht on Chinese submarines. The white paper, ordered by Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwon, appears to be an attempt to drum up public support for the submarines.

Although Thailand will not use the submarines to wage war, other countries' perception is critical, according to assistant navy commander Adm Narongphon Na Bang Chang. "We want other countries to be in awe of us and recognise our potential to take care of the sea," he said.

The proposal has come under fire as Thailand is not involved in territorial conflicts at sea and the Gulf has relatively shallow water levels.

Sceptics were outraged that authorities had agreed to spend 36 billion baht on three S26T Chinese submarines.

Nobody can guarantee if or when a maritime conflict will escalate, the white paper says. "The conflicts, no matter where they take place, will directly affect sea transport."

For example, the South China Sea dispute between China, the Philippines, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan is likely to affect sea transport and Thailand must be ready for it, said Adm Narongphon.

Submarines, which can avoid detection and launch attacks from underwater to hit land and sea targets, could protect Thailand's 24-trillion-baht marine assets, which include natural resources, freight shipments, coastal industries and tourist destinations. Even though the Gulf of Thailand is only 50 metres deep, this will not hinder submarine operations because planes cannot see below 20 metres, said Adm Narongphon.

The paper insists Thailand needs to build a new "territorial fence" by reinforcing its military with submarines to protect the 15,000 vessels which travel to and from the Gulf annually. Even if Thailand buys the subs this year, it will be between seven to 10 years before they are operational.

The Chinese offer includes eight years of spare parts and a three-year personnel training course.

The subs are equipped with air-independent propulsion, which allows the subs to stay underwater for up to 21 days, the white paper says.

Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia all have submarines and Thailand is lagging behind, the paper says.

"China is offering us a good package," said Adm Narongphon.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyLun 03 Aoû 2015, 21:02

Personnellement je n'y crois pas beaucoup, surtout venant de ce site, mais vu que c'est "exclusive" alors pourquoi pas...

Iran orders from China 150 J-10 fighter jets that incorporate Israeli technology

Citation :
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report July 30, 2015, 10:41 AM (IDT)

Iran is about to conclude a transaction with China for the purchase of the Chengdu J-10 multirole jet fighter, known in the West as the Vigorous Dragon, according to an exclusive report from DEBKAfile’s military and intelligence sources. Beijing has agreed to sell Tehran 150 of these sophisticated jets.

While the Chinese J-10 is comparable to the US F-16, our sources report that it is virtually a replica of the Lavi, the super-fighter developed by Israel’s aerospace industry in the second half of the 80s. Israel sold China the technology, after Washington insisted on Its discontinuing the Lavi’s production. The US also objected to the sale of the Lavi’s avionics, claiming that it contained some American components.

The Chinese plane comes in two versions – the multirole single-seat J-10A and the two-seat J-10B, which serves for training, ground assaults and electronic warfare.

Iran has additionally weighing the purchase in Moscow of 250 highly-advanced Sukhoi-Su-30MK1 twinjet multirole air superiority fighters, known in the West as Flanker-H.

On Wednesday, July 29, an Indian Air Force Su-30MK1 took part for the first time in a British air maneuver, Rainbow, where it dueled with the European Typhoon fighter.

The sophisticated Flanker has been found to have a major shortcoming. To carry eight tons of ordnance, it must use both of its AL-31FP engines, and the transition from one to two – and the reverse - often causes engine failure.

The Indian Air Force has reported three such malfunctions in a month, as well another shortcoming: The time needed for making the aircraft serviceable is too long. As a result, only half of the Indian fleet can be airborne at one time.

In a confrontation, the Iranian Air Force may find that, because of these drawbacks, the Chinese Su-30MK1 is outmatched by its American and European counterparts in the service of the Israeli, Saudi and UAE air forces.

On July 22, DEBKAfile revealed that Moscow and Tehran had concluded a giant transaction for the acquisition of a fleet of 100 IL78 MK1 (Midas) in-flight refueling planes for extending the range of its warplanes up to 7,300 km and able to refuel 6-8 planes at once.

DEBKAfile: The scale of Iran’s multibillion acquisitions from China and Russia – 550 warplanes in all so far - indicates that Tehran’s top spending priority upon receipt of the funds released by the removal of sanctions, is to be a spanking new air force.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMer 05 Aoû 2015, 08:36

Les 3 corvettes C28A pour l'Algérie.



Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyLun 17 Aoû 2015, 12:24

Le groupe HAIG (Hongdu Aviation Industry Group) a livré son 9ème K-8 de cette année au client d'export, selon le journal de l'aviation chinoise.

HAIG termine ainsi la production de K-8 pour l'exportation en 2015.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 18 Aoû 2015, 01:10

Le navire de patrouille CG60 était à l'origine l'un des navires commandés par les garde-côtes de la province de Liaoning, mais pour une raison inconnue c'est vendu aux garde-côtes du Trinité-et-Tobago...




Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMer 26 Aoû 2015, 19:12

Les photos datent d'aujourd'hui, enfin je crois...

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 5VtUspm

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 ARGqNF7

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 JBwBHzw

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 ALrGjpe

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 QORc5oy

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 CjAgUxT

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 VIWG9qy

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 L3UbHaj

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 08 Sep 2015, 10:14

Selon une communication de l'ISPR (Inter-Services Public Relations) de l'armée pakistanaise, cette dernière a utilisé les drones armés Burraq dans la campagne de lutte anti-terroriste et a tué 3 hauts responsables dans la valée de Shawal aujourd'hui.

Le drone armée Burraq et son armement principal le missile Air-Sol à guidage laser Burq sont dérivés directement du drone MALE chinois CH-3 et du missile AR-1.

Pakistan's first indigenous armed drone kills 3 militants in Shawal: ISPR

Citation :
By Kamran YousufPublished: September 7, 2015

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 JtxfSoW
This television screen grab shows UCAV Burraq launching the laser-guided missile Burq.

Three high profile militants were killed in Shawal Valley on Monday in a drone strike by Pakistan’s first indigenous armed drone, ‘Burraq’, Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.

“First ever use of Pakistani made Buraq drone today. A terrorist compound was hit in Shawal Valley, killing three high profile terrorists,” DG ISPR Asim Bajwa said on Twitter.

1st ever use of Pak made Burraq Drone today. Hit a terrorist compound in Shawal Valley killing 3 high profile terrorists.Details follow

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) September 7, 2015

Read: Drone war: ‘Burraq’ turned the tide in Tirah battle, say officials

The remotely-piloted aircraft ‘Burraq’ and laser-guided missile ‘Burq’ were tested on March 14, taking Pakistan a step closer to acquiring the technology it has long demanded from the United States.

Earlier, security officials said the indigenously-developed armed drone ‘Burraq’ has turned the tide against the militants in the offensive in Tirah Valley. Senior security officials told Express News that much before ‘Burraq’ was publicly showcased it had been tested in live combat against militants in the Tirah Valley.

Read: Pakistan successfully tests first indigenous armed drone: ISPR

A ground offensive was launched by Pakistan Army in North Waziristan Agency’s mountainous Shawal Valley last month as it is regarded as the last haven of fleeing homegrown militants and their foreign cohorts.

Since May, the military has stepped up operations in the deeply forested ravines of the Shawal Valley – which straddles North and South Waziristan agencies along the border with Afghanistan – and softened militant targets in the valley through continued airstrikes.

The deeply forested ravines of Shawal Valley and Datta Khel are popular smuggling routes between Pakistan and neighbouring Afghanistan, and are dotted with militant bases used as launch pads for attacks on Pakistani forces.

Read: Ground offensive begins: Army troops roll into Shawal Valley

The area is a stronghold of Khan Sajna Said, the leader of a Taliban faction whose name the United States put on a sanctions list of ‘specially designated global terrorists” last year.

Banned Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan used to control all of mountainous NWA, which includes the Shawal Valley and Datta Khel, and runs along the Afghan border. But Pakistan Army recaptured most of the region in a major armed operation, codenamed Zarb-e-Azb, which was launched in June 2014.

North Waziristan used to be the Pakistani Taliban’s last key stronghold until the start of the operation. Officials claim that nearly 3,000 militants have been killed since the launch of the offensive. Authorities have now vowed to intensify operations both in the border regions and across the country.

C'est en Mars cette année que l'armée pakistanaise avait procédé avec succès les tirs d'essai de Burraq :

Pakistan successfully tests first indigenous armed drone: ISPR

Citation :
By Web DeskPublished: March 13, 2015

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 VrlfR3Z

RAWALPINDI: Pakistan has successfully test fired an indigenously-developed armed drone Burraq and its laser guided missile Barq, the ISPR announced on Friday.

According to DG ISPR Asim Bajwa, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif witnessed the test fire, which has impressive accuracy and multiplies capability against terrorists.

Pak successfully test fires own indigenous developed armed #Drone Burraq &Barq laser guided missile.#COAS attends-1/5

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) March 13, 2015

The army chief commended the engineers and scientists involved in the development and for their untiring efforts to acquire state-of-the-art technology.

According to Bajwa, General Raheel termed it “a great national achievement”, and added that it would add to the country’s existing anti-terror campaign.

#COAS witnessed test fire on static&moving tgt.Impressive Pin point accuracy,all weather.Multiplies capability against terrorists-2/5

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) March 13, 2015

#COAS commends Engrs,scientists for untiring efforts to acquire state of art tech,put Pak in different league-3/5

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) March 13, 2015

#COAS terms it great national achievement,momentous occasion. Force multiplier in our anti terror campaign/ops-4/5

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) March 13, 2015

#COAS congrats nation,scientist,tech,involved in dev own drone.Lets join hands to take Pak frwd in respective field-5

— AsimBajwaISPR (@AsimBajwaISPR) March 13, 2015

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyLun 12 Oct 2015, 23:05

Le groupe AVIC a vendu 18 jets d'entrainement avancé L-15 en Afrique dont 6 à la Zambie et 12 à un autre pays, probablement la Tanzanie.

Le drone MALE Wing Loong est aussi vendu à l'Egypte, au Nigéria et aux Émirats arabes unis.

Chinese Company Builds Growing African Presence

Citation :
By Oscar Nkala 4:53 p.m. EDT October 10, 2015

GABORONE, Botswana — A Chinese aviation company reported progress in its ambitious African expansion plans to set up an aviation training center, two regional marketing offices, two maintenance and support centers, and three spare-parts warehouses to promote sales and maintenance for Chinese-made aircraft.

Speaking at the Aviation Expo China 2015 held in Beijing last month, Zhang Guangjian, general manager of International Aero Development Corp. (IADC), a subsidiary of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), said the strategy includes the construction of a civilian aviation training center in South Africa, and two maintenance and product support offices in Tanzania and the Republic of Congo. Three warehouses for spare parts also are planned for Kenya, Zimbabwe and the Congo.

The IADC was set up under AVIC to promote global exports of Chinese-made civilian aircraft. The new centers will also promote sales and maintenance services to a large fleet of Chinese-made African military aircraft, including fighter jets, trainers, helicopters and UAVs.

"We plan to use these installations to help our civil aircraft industry expand its presence in Africa's central and northwestern regions. Compared with Western counterparts, our aircraft have proven more suitable for operations in Africa because they are more adaptable to tough use and bad infrastructure. They have enabled our African friends to operate good aircraft at an affordable cost," Zhang said.

AVIC says at least 80 percent of the trainer aircraft fleet operated by African air forces are Chinese-made. These include 24 variants of the Y-12 turbo-prop trainer aircraft, which are operated by several African air forces including Kenya, Ethiopia, Mauritania, Zambia, Uganda, Sudan, Namibia, Tanzania and Eritrea.

The aircraft is produced by China Harbin Aircraft Manufacturing Corp. AVIC's regional field service center in Nairobi will include a training center and spare parts warehouse meant to provide technical support and after-sale for African customers of the Y-12 military aircraft.

AVIC subsidiary Hongdu Aviation Industry Corp. also established itself on the continent with the 2012 sale of six L-15 trainer jets to Zambia, followed by an order of 12 more L-15s by an unnamed African country during the 2013 Paris Air Show. The customer is widely believed to be Tanzania.

The China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp., another AVIC subsidiary, has sold 35 variants of its Karakorum K-8 light attack and trainer aircraft to the air forces of Zimbabwe (12), Zambia (16), Ghana (five) and an unspecified number to Sudan.

Other Chinese military aircraft models operated by African air forces include the Chengdu JF-7, the MA-60 and Y-12 turbo-props and Harbin Z-9 helicopters, spread across numerous countries including Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Tanzania, Ghana, Nigeria, Mauritania and Djibouti.

At the Aviation Expo China, AVIC exhibited newer versions of the FC-1 Xiaolong and JF -17 Thunder multirole aircraft for export to global markets.

The company also unveiled a multirole combat UAV called the Wing Loong II. The UAV is a medium-altitude, long-endurance multirole drone capable of performing surveillance and reconnaissance as well as air-to-ground strike. It is manufactured by AVIC subsidiary Chengdu Aircraft Design and Research Institute. Its predecessor, the Wing Loong I, has been sold to African and Middle Eastern countries which include Nigeria, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

Chinese defense and aerospace writer and analyst Wang Yanan said the Wing Loon II will help China to claim a substantial stake of the international UAV market, especially among African and Middle Eastern countries that already operate Chinese aircraft and air defense systems.

“The advanced drone will help China obtain a bigger share in the international market because it will be one of the most capable military drones in the market. The Wing Loong II is equipped with a satellite data link system, so it can operate in an environment with bad ground signals, which means it can be of great use to nations that have vast mountainous areas or plateaus. In addition, the drone will be very attractive to countries that operate the Wing Loong I as they have realized the capabilities and reliability of Chinese-made drones," he said.


Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 03 Nov 2015, 19:27

Le groupe d'armement chinois NORINCO propose sur le marché son nouveau CIWS LD-3000. Sensiblement similaire à H/PJ-11 qui est installé sur le porte-avions 16 Liaoning ou encore les nouveaux navires de guerre, le système envoie une cadence de 11000 rd/min avec des munitions APFSDS, qui ont une vitesse à la bouche de 1250m/s.

D'après la description, le système permet d'intercepter les engins volants à basse altitude d'une vitesse de 600m/s, ou les engins de croisière jusqu'à Mach 2,5.

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Yxpwa7z

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[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 03 Nov 2015, 19:45

Henri K. a écrit:
[…] nouveau CIWS LD-3000. […] une cadence de 11000 rd/min avec des munitions APFSDS, qui ont une vitesse à la bouche de 1250m/s.
D'après la description, le système permet d'intercepter les engins volants à basse altitude d'une vitesse de 600m/s, ou les engins de croisière jusqu'à Mach 2,5.[…]
Par « engins de croisière », on doit pouvoir comprendre « à moyenne altitude » ? Par opposition aux 600 m/s (~mach 1.Cool en basse altitude ?
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 10 Nov 2015, 23:07

La société de vitrine du groupe AVIC, CATIC, et le PAC (Pakistan Aeronautical Complex) ont tenu une conférence de presse conjointe à Dubaï Air Show le 9 Novembre.

Les responsables des 2 entités ont annoncé la signature d'un premier contrat d'exportation de FC-1 en dehors du Pakistan. L'armée de l'air pakistanaise est équipée de 60 appareils aujourd'hui et prévoit d'équiper 40 supplémentaires dans les années à venir. Le programme d'upgrade Block II et III sont en cours, et la version biplace de FC-1 effectuera son premier vol en 2016.

Ils estiment un marché de pas moins de 300 appareils pour FC-1.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyVen 13 Nov 2015, 12:21

La fabrication de prototype de la version bi-place de FC-1 a commencé, indique un article du journal China Aviation News.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 08 Déc 2015, 12:42

Comme ce que j'ai déjà indiqué il y a quelques temps :

JF-17 Still an Option in Egypt-Pakistan Defense Cooperation Drive

Citation :
By Usman Ansari 2:53 p.m. EST December 7, 2015

ISLAMABAD — Despite having opted for French and Russian fighter aircraft earlier this year, Egypt has reportedly expressed an interest in the Sino-Pakistan JF-17 Thunder. This has come as a surprise to analysts who had considered the possibility of Egypt acquiring the JF-17 to be lost.

The interest comes as part of a wider push to increase defense industry cooperation between the two countries, according to a Dec. 4 news release by the Pakistani government's Press Information Department. It outlined how the Egyptian ambassador to Islamabad, Sherif Shaheen, met Pakistan's Minister for Defence Production Tanveer Hussain to discuss improving bilateral defense cooperation.

A cadet exchange program is already in place, but both sides were "looking at collaboration in defense industry as the core of relations between Pakistan and Egypt," according to the news release.

As a matter of policy, officials in Pakistan do not discuss potential defense deals until they are signed.

However, author, analyst and former Pakistani Air Force pilot Kaiser Tufail says there are two main reasons the JF-17 appeals to developing nations.

"It offers the best value for money, being one of the cheapest of the modern fighters to purchase and maintain," he said. "Its sale is not constrained by big power politics, in that it is not likely to be used as a tool for exercising leverage over the purchaser's foreign or defense policies. Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Jordan (possibly) and now Egypt are keenly eyeing the JF-17 for these reasons."

In respect to a potential Egyptian deal, author, analyst and former Australian defense attache to Islamabad Brian Cloughley believes the JF-17 has a key advantage over other fighter aircraft the Egyptians may be able to acquire.

"The Egyptians have many sources for combat aircraft, but none of those being considered for provision of advanced fighters manufacture anything like the JF-17," Cloughley said.

The Rafale and MiG-35 are larger twin-engine fighters in comparison to the JF-17, and unlike the latter are off the shelf purchases, with no local production offered for Egypt.

Analysts believe this is where the JF-17 has another advantage, and one that builds on experience.

Egypt already operates 120 Sino-Pakistani Hongdu K-8 jet trainer aircraft, the majority of which were built in Egypt by the Arab Organization for Industrialization. A similar deal for the construction of the JF-17 has been speculated since Egypt first reportedly expressed an interest in the JF-17 in 2010.

The bulk of Egypt's modern fighter fleet comprises of some 220 F-16C/Ds, but these are supported by a larger number of legacy Mirage 5, MiG-21 and Chengdu J-7 fighters. The order for 46 MiG-35s will likely replace the MiG-21s, but this leaves nearly 140 Mirage 5s and J-7s needing replacement.

As the JF-17 was designed precisely to replace these types, Tufail says it is "an excellent platform to replace the older fleet of Mirage III/5, MiG-21/F-7" and the "glitch-free induction and full operational capability of the JF-17 in the Pakistan Air Force makes a great sales pitch for export."

Likewise, Cloughley believes the JF-17 still has a good chance to secure a sizable Egyptian order but believes it is too early to be certain.

"It seems that it would be a good choice to replace the Mirages, which are very long in the tooth, but as always the detail is in the possible deal. It's too early to speculate on what mutually agreeable terms might be, but it's likely that Pakistan (and China) would come up with a tempting offer," Cloughley said.

Pakistan is accepting JF-17 Block 2 aircraft into service, of which it ordered 50. There have been some key Block 2 features such as in-flight refueling and other modifications that will be retrofitted to the Block 1 aircraft.

However, recent reports in the Chinese media have stated any export customers will be acquiring the forthcoming Block 3 that is in its final design stages. Though it is believed to feature an AESA radar, officials are tightlipped on confirming specific details, only saying the Block 3 will be a "game changer."

A two,seat, fully combat-capable variant of the JF-17 is also believed to be undergoing the final stages of testing in China before it is unveiled.

Henri K.
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[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 08 Déc 2015, 22:14

Henri K. a écrit:
Comme ce que j'ai déjà indiqué il y a quelques temps :

JF-17 Still an Option in Egypt-Pakistan Defense Cooperation Drive

Citation :
By Usman Ansari 2:53 p.m. EST December 7, 2015

ISLAMABAD — Despite having opted for French and Russian fighter aircraft earlier this year, Egypt has reportedly expressed an interest in the Sino-Pakistan JF-17 Thunder. This has come as a surprise to analysts who had considered the possibility of Egypt acquiring the JF-17 to be lost.

The interest comes as part of a wider push to increase defense industry cooperation between the two countries, according to a Dec. 4 news release by the Pakistani government's Press Information Department. It outlined how the Egyptian ambassador to Islamabad, Sherif Shaheen, met Pakistan's Minister for Defence Production Tanveer Hussain to discuss improving bilateral defense cooperation.

A cadet exchange program is already in place, but both sides were "looking at collaboration in defense industry as the core of relations between Pakistan and Egypt," according to the news release.

As a matter of policy, officials in Pakistan do not discuss potential defense deals until they are signed.

However, author, analyst and former Pakistani Air Force pilot Kaiser Tufail says there are two main reasons the JF-17 appeals to developing nations.

"It offers the best value for money, being one of the cheapest of the modern fighters to purchase and maintain," he said. "Its sale is not constrained by big power politics, in that it is not likely to be used as a tool for exercising leverage over the purchaser's foreign or defense policies. Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Jordan (possibly) and now Egypt are keenly eyeing the JF-17 for these reasons."

In respect to a potential Egyptian deal, author, analyst and former Australian defense attache to Islamabad Brian Cloughley believes the JF-17 has a key advantage over other fighter aircraft the Egyptians may be able to acquire.

"The Egyptians have many sources for combat aircraft, but none of those being considered for provision of advanced fighters manufacture anything like the JF-17," Cloughley said.

The Rafale and MiG-35 are larger twin-engine fighters in comparison to the JF-17, and unlike the latter are off the shelf purchases, with no local production offered for Egypt.

Analysts believe this is where the JF-17 has another advantage, and one that builds on experience.

Egypt already operates 120 Sino-Pakistani Hongdu K-8 jet trainer aircraft, the majority of which were built in Egypt by the Arab Organization for Industrialization. A similar deal for the construction of the JF-17 has been speculated since Egypt first reportedly expressed an interest in the JF-17 in 2010.

The bulk of Egypt's modern fighter fleet comprises of some 220 F-16C/Ds, but these are supported by a larger number of legacy Mirage 5, MiG-21 and Chengdu J-7 fighters. The order for 46 MiG-35s will likely replace the MiG-21s, but this leaves nearly 140 Mirage 5s and J-7s needing replacement.

As the JF-17 was designed precisely to replace these types, Tufail says it is "an excellent platform to replace the older fleet of Mirage III/5, MiG-21/F-7" and the "glitch-free induction and full operational capability of the JF-17 in the Pakistan Air Force makes a great sales pitch for export."

Likewise, Cloughley believes the JF-17 still has a good chance to secure a sizable Egyptian order but believes it is too early to be certain.

"It seems that it would be a good choice to replace the Mirages, which are very long in the tooth, but as always the detail is in the possible deal. It's too early to speculate on what mutually agreeable terms might be, but it's likely that Pakistan (and China) would come up with a tempting offer," Cloughley said.

Pakistan is accepting JF-17 Block 2 aircraft into service, of which it ordered 50. There have been some key Block 2 features such as in-flight refueling and other modifications that will be retrofitted to the Block 1 aircraft.

However, recent reports in the Chinese media have stated any export customers will be acquiring the forthcoming Block 3 that is in its final design stages. Though it is believed to feature an AESA radar, officials are tightlipped on confirming specific details, only saying the Block 3 will be a "game changer."

A two,seat, fully combat-capable variant of the JF-17 is also believed to be undergoing the final stages of testing in China before it is unveiled.

Henri K.

Henry, quand sera-le Block-III voler?

Merci d'avance.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 08 Déc 2015, 22:21

Raisonable a écrit:

Henry, quand sera-le Block-III voler?

Merci d'avance.

Beaucoup d'info sont accessible en ligne, il suffit chercher un peu...

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 3dZ4pJh

Henri K.
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[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 08 Déc 2015, 22:52

Henri K. a écrit:
Raisonable a écrit:

Henry, quand sera-le Block-III voler?

Merci d'avance.

Beaucoup d'info sont accessible en ligne, il suffit chercher un peu...

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 3dZ4pJh

Henri K.

Merci beaucoup. :)
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptySam 12 Déc 2015, 11:44

Le 11 Décembre 2015, les corvettes F111 BNS Shadhinota et F112 BNS Prottoy de classe C13B, dérivée du Type 056 utilisée par la marine chinoise, ont été livrées à la marine de Bangladesh par le chantier naval Wuchang en Chine.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois   [Information] Exportation des Armements Chinois - Page 7 EmptyMar 15 Déc 2015, 15:25

The Wall Street Journal a publié hier un article payant sur son site qui indique que 2 groupes chinois, NORINCO et AVIC, ont rejoint les rangs des 10 plus grands industriels d'armement dans le monde en 2014, et parmi les 20 premiers mondiaux, 6 sont désormais chinois.

Two Chinese Defense Firms Rise in Industry Ranking

Citation :
China North Industries and Aviation Industry Corp. of China rise in ranking of global arms industry

Dec. 14, 2015 11:57 a.m. ET

Two state-owned Chinese firms have effectively joined the ranks of the world’s 10 largest defense companies in a sign of changing military budgets and export markets, according to a new report on the global arms industry.

China North Industries Corp. and Aviation Industry Corp. of China sit atop as many as four other domestic producers in the global top 20, alongside three state-owned Russian...

En cherchant un peu, et comme je n'ai surtout pas envie de payer pour des informations que je peux accéder gratuitement par moi-même avec un peu de l'huile de coude, je m'aperçois que les journalistes du WSJ ont écrit leur article sur la base du rapport annuel de l'Institut suédois SIPRIT (Stockholm International Peace Research Institute), qui diffuse régulièrement des rapports d'analyse de très bonne qualité sur la prolifération des armes dans le monde.

Ce rapport 2014, qui exclut les sociétés chinoises, est accessible ici :

Le rapport au format PDF :
Le rapport au format XLS :

Dans la page 7 de ce rapport, il y a un paragraphe concernant la Chine :

Citation :
Box 1. Chinese arms-producing companies

Chinese companies are not covered by the SIPRI Top 100 due to the lack of data on which to make a reasonable estimate of arms sales for most companies. Nonetheless, some information is available on the 10 major state-owned conglomerates under which most of the Chinese arms industry is organized.

Based on the overall industry picture and on limited information on individual companies, at least 9 of these 10 companies would almost certainly be in the Top 100 if fi gures for arms sales were available. Of these, 4 to 6 would probably be in the Top 20, and two—the aircraft producer AVIC and the land systems producer Norinco—may be in the Top 10.

China’s military spending increased more than fi vefold in real terms between 2000 and 2014 and the country has engaged in major eff orts to develop its domestic industry. In addition, China’s arms exports have grown substantially in the past decade.

Maintenant si je filtre sur les sociétés françaises dans la base en Excel, on peut faire quelques constats intéressants aussi :


Henri K.

Dernière édition par Henri K. le Mar 15 Déc 2015, 17:49, édité 1 fois
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