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 Contacting French Warships today (2016)

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Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptyVen 09 Déc 2016, 16:06

Hello my name is Rab and I live in Dundee, Scotland. I am writing to ask for help regarding the modern day Marine National. I am a collector of cap tallies (ruban de legende) and have an extensive collection gathered together over 50 years. The help I require is how to write to a French warship. I used to write to the Commanding Officer (name and number of ship) c/o Poste Navale Centrale, 75 Paris 8, France asking if he could donate or sell to me a cap tally of his ship - this is how I acquired over 200 French Navy tallies over the years. However when I write today (2016) I have my letters returned as address in Paris unknown - can anyone tell me the address I should send my letters to for them to be forwarded to the named ship?. I am particularly keen to add cap tallies from the frigates of the FREMM Type to my collection.
Help from anyone would be most welcome and appreciated.
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Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptyVen 09 Déc 2016, 16:42

Hello, Scotalnd !
May be this link would be of some interest for you
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Loïc Charpentier
Capitaine de vaisseau
Capitaine de vaisseau
Loïc Charpentier

Nombre de messages : 4913
Age : 78
Ville : Oberbronn
Emploi : retraité "actif"
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2013

Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptySam 10 Déc 2016, 12:41

What a shame! Beautiful french ribbons in the hands of british people! How, you are a scottish man...sorry! lol!
Perhaps, do you have an other possibility, here...
For the oldest ones (dissolved units, i.e.) it's another "pair of sleeves" (french terms! Very Happy)
Good luck! Wink
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Nombre de messages : 12886
Age : 43
Ville : Au septième Ciel… sous la dunette
Emploi : Passagère du Vent
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2010

Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptySam 10 Déc 2016, 12:46

Citation :
What a shame! Beautiful french ribbons in the hands of british people! How, you are a scottish man… sorry! : lol!: […]
There is no offense here: a Scot is a British like the others (for now).
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Loïc Charpentier
Capitaine de vaisseau
Capitaine de vaisseau
Loïc Charpentier

Nombre de messages : 4913
Age : 78
Ville : Oberbronn
Emploi : retraité "actif"
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2013

Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptySam 10 Déc 2016, 13:27

DahliaBleue a écrit:
Citation :
What a shame! Beautiful french ribbons in the hands of british people! How, you are a scottish man… sorry! : lol!: […]
There is no offense here: a Scot is a British like the others (for now).

Rappelle-moi, à l'occasion, de te remémorer l'histoire compliquée de l'Ecosse et la France, plus, à l'occasion, les divergences d'opinions entre la Couronne d'Angleterre et l’Écosse, par le passé et de nos jours. lol!  Sinon, çà remonte au "Mur d'Adrien" (Adrian's Wall), en 142 après JC! lol!
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Nombre de messages : 12886
Age : 43
Ville : Au septième Ciel… sous la dunette
Emploi : Passagère du Vent
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2010

Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) EmptySam 10 Déc 2016, 15:50

Citation :
[…] remémorer l'histoire compliquée de l'Ecosse et la France, plus, à l'occasion, les divergences d'opinions entre la Couronne d'Angleterre et l’Écosse, par le passé et de nos jours. : lol!:  Sinon, ça remonte au "Mur d'Adrien" (Adrian's Wall), en 142 après JC! : lol!:
Or even of the Hadrian's waw ? Despite my apparent naivety (and innocence / ingenuousity) I am not totally ignoring this story.
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Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Contacting French Warships today (2016)   Contacting French Warships today (2016) Empty

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Contacting French Warships today (2016)
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