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 The transition to Japanese-built warships

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John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

The transition to Japanese-built warships Empty
MessageSujet: The transition to Japanese-built warships   The transition to Japanese-built warships EmptyVen 23 Déc 2022, 20:53


The third and final section of the topic "The Emergence of the Imperial Japanese Navy" has just been uploaded onto our website

After relying on foreign shipyards and designs, at the beginning of the 20th century, Japan had acquired enough technical know-how to design and skills to build her own warships even though to begin with, they were still dependent on foreign material such as guns and their mountings as well as steel.

Have a look, keep warm and "Merry Christmas" !

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The transition to Japanese-built warships
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