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 The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905

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2 participants
John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 Empty
MessageSujet: The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905   The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 EmptyDim 22 Aoû 2021, 12:42


New photographs on the website under the topic "Prangs, bangs and other mishaps" showing the poor Sully well and truly aground in the bay of Along. Photographs and the accompanying text written at the time show that the hull broke in two long before the typhoon season as is usually stated.

Holidays almost over but still more photographs to come !

Take care,

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Bleu Marine
Elève officier
Elève officier
Bleu Marine

Nombre de messages : 1146
Age : 72
Ville : Clermont-Ferrand
Emploi : Retraité
Date d'inscription : 29/01/2014

The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905   The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2021, 08:58


Thanks John for the pics cheers,%20bangs%20and%20other%20mishaps.htm

Yes, the "Roles" saved by the Commissaire are ship's papers. Especially the Rôles d'Équipage, i.e. nominative lists of the complement.
Rôles, and duplicate registers "contre-rôles" for verification purposes, are the origin of the modern "contrôle" / "control" words.

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John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 Empty
MessageSujet: Thanks !   The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 EmptyLun 23 Aoû 2021, 21:49

Thanks for the etymological diversion !

Interesting how words travel from country to country.
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The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905   The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905 Empty

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The wreck of the French cruiser Sully, 1905
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