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 [Information] Autour de la Chine...

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Henri K.
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Nombre de messages : 4475
Age : 52
Ville : ca vat, ca vient.... j'ai un metier !
Emploi : glorieux et beau
Date d'inscription : 26/06/2006

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 24 Mai 2014, 11:03

quel Schow !!!  Laughing 
un general a du se faire taper sur les doigts, puis transmet la souflante vers le bas Laughing 

Quelqu'un leur a dis que la bombe a deja exploses et que les mechants sont ailleurs ??

Apres tout, il n'habitent pas forcement tous au "1 place de la gare"

Et pendant que la division blindes applatis la zone, les autres sont en train de courrir ailleurs.... ou il y a zero opposition.
un peu comme il y a 3 jours, au moment ou les terroristes se rendaient peinard a la gare.

Dernière édition par Bill le Dim 25 Mai 2014, 16:15, édité 1 fois
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 25 Mai 2014, 07:32

Dans la mer de Chine méridionale, près des Paracels et autour de la plateforme mobile de forage pétrolier 981, la confrontation sino-vietnamienne continue.

D'après la presse vietnamienne, au 24 Mai, les navires vietnamiens ne parviennent toujours pas à pénètrer dans les 3 miles nautiques de la plateforme et se font chasser parfois même à une distance de 12 miles nautiques.

Le nombre de navires chinois mobilisés pour protéger la plateforme est de 127, dont 44 garde-côtes, 18 navires de transport, 14 remorqueurs, 50 bateaux de pêche et 1 navire de guerre. 4 avions chinois survolent régulièrement la flottille du garde-côte vietnamien également.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 25 Mai 2014, 07:39

Et à Urumqi, la démonstration de force pour dissuasion continue.

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Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 25 Mai 2014, 12:39

Est-ce que l'attentat terroriste à Urumqi du 22 Mai a un lien avec les récentes opérations militaires ciblant les mouvements islamisques comme ETIM (East Turkestan Islamic Movement) aussi connu sous le nom de TIP (Turkistan Islamic Party) au Pakistan?

L'armée pakistanaise a lancé une vaste offensive dans le Waziristan du Nord le 21 Mai, et bombarde principalement les camps d'entrainement de TIP. Depuis l'attaque à arme blanche dans la gare de Kunming le 1er Mars, faisant près de 30 morts et 140 blessés, la Chine a demandé à son allié le Pakistan de durcir les opérations dans le Waziristan du Nord, base principale de TIP.

Turkistan Islamic Party target of Pakistani army incursion in North Waziristan

Air strikes in North Waziristan Agency after Government's approval: Military sources

Militants may target Chinese interests in Pakistan

A suivre.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 25 Mai 2014, 12:49

La SOA (State Oceanic Administration) et le Bureau d'administration de pêche de Shandong co-finance une base de formation du garde-côte pour le montant de 300 millions de Yuan. Cette base de formation est capable d'héberger 3 navires de 1000t et 2 navires de 5000t, et disposera un aérodrome et plusieurs centres de formation.


Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 25 Mai 2014, 20:25

Le centre national chinois de R&D de protéine est inauguré.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyLun 26 Mai 2014, 14:20

L’espionnage, étatique ou industriel, existe depuis le début de l'ère de tribut, pourtant, certains pays sont systématiquement mis en avant sous la manipulation médiatique, et beaucoup ignorent que même dans les pays les plus développés, ce n'est qu'une pratique plus que courante. Mais, il y a souvent une image à préserver, quand il y a une image à préserver, il faut désigner une cible, une cible qui captera le regard des gens, une cible qui déviera l'attention du peuple...

China's progress is not in theft of trade secrets

Citation :
The US indictment of five Chinese military men for cyber-espionage against American firms is really a challenge to Beijing to fulfill its own goal of sustaining growth through home-grown innovation in technology.

By the Monitor's Editorial Board / May 20, 2014

For nearly a decade, China has tried to create a strong culture of innovation among its technology researchers. The party line: Be creative, discover new ideas, and accept temporary setbacks like a Steve Jobs.

Imagine the shock then on Monday when the United States indicted five Chinese military officers for allegedly stealing secrets from several American companies such as Alcoa and Westinghouse. In accusing China of massive cyber-espionage, the US is challenging Beijing to live up to its own goal of becoming a global leader in science and technology by 2020.

“Success in the international marketplace should be based solely on a company’s ability to innovate and compete, not on a sponsor government’s ability to spy and steal business secrets,” US Attorney General Eric Holder said in announcing the indictments.

The alleged thievery involved hackers at a spying operation near Shanghai extracting such information as nuclear plant designs and the price for solar panels from the US. The military is involved because it has a heavy hand in state-linked enterprises that dominate the Chinese economy. Many of those enterprises have lately begun to falter in global export markets.

The five suspects were named and their pictures put on the FBI’s most-wanted posters – although they are unlikely to face trial in the US. The main point of the indictments is to shame China into ending its official campaign of pirating intellectual property from abroad and to speed up innovation at home.

China has many successful technology companies, such as Alibaba, Lenovo, and Huawei. But none are in the Top 100 Global Innovators (the US has 45). And much of China’s progress since 1980 has been based on borrowed technology, either stolen or coerced out of foreign companies seeking to enter the large Chinese market.

As its economic growth slows, China needs to move up faster in the world’s high-tech supply chain in manufacturing and software. Yet it still spends far more in buying royalties than earning from royalties. Changing this will entail a second cultural revolution, one that promotes free-spirited innovation, risk-taking, a tolerance for mistakes, and opportunities for second chances.

“We prefer honest work, even if it comes to nothing,” said China’s science and technology minister, Wan Gang, in 2010. “We need a society which has enough patience to be able to withstand failures.”

Other cultural shifts are needed. Mr. Gang expressed outrage last year at the level of cheating by China’s scientists. While Chinese patents are now more numerous, many are deemed not to be innovative. The number of Chinese scientific publications has boomed, but the papers are often plagiarized or infrequently cited. The country educates more than a million engineering graduates a year, but Chinese schools still emphasize rote learning over creative thinking.

China’s political culture keeps a tight lid on the truth while encouraging scientific researchers to seek the truth. Its leaders push for rapid progress in industry but do little to dispel the notion in China that wealth is a zero-sum game.

The world’s second largest economy can shift away from being a copycat of technology if it sees progress as based on a constant flow of new ideas available to those able to uncover them. Innovation cannot be hacked. It requires a culture in which individual creativity and the breaking of mental bounds are nurtured through freedom and protected by rule of law.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMar 27 Mai 2014, 21:42

Le Vice-président de CMC reçoit le Ministère de la défense malais à Pékin, les deux hommes parlent de construire une nouvelle relation de partenariat stratégique.

Le Commandant en chef de l'armée de l'air chinoise reçoit le Chef d'état major de l'armée parachutiste russe. Les 2 pays veulent approfondir les collaborations dans le domaine.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMar 27 Mai 2014, 21:52

La Chine s'attend à une excellente récolte de l'été cette année, d'après les données télémétriques.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyJeu 29 Mai 2014, 17:10

Qui sera le leader mondial?

Dans un discours prononcé à l'Académie militaire West Point ce mercredi, le Président OBAMA dit que l'Amérique doit encore diriger le monde pour les 100 prochaines années, avec une nouvelle stratégie diplomatique étrangère.

Côté Chine, dans une conférence de presse hebdomadaire, répondant à la question pour savoir ce que la Chine pense du discours du Président Obama, le porte-parole des affaires étrangères rigole et répond : "Paul le poulpe n'existe pas...[...] La Chine a déjà été le leader mondial dans le passé, pour plus de 100 ans même, nous avons eu beaucoup d'expériences et de retour de leçon sur l'ascension et le déclin d'une puissance mondiale, ces expériences et ces leçons nous éduquent encore aujourd'hui comment on doit gérer notre pays, dans un environnement stable et propice..."

Il a notamment cité une phrase écrite dans "Zuo Zhuan", une chronique d'état datant il y a plus de 2500 ans, pour dire qu'un pays peut faire une ascension très rapidement mais s'écrouler tout aussi rapidement. (La phrase dit précisément que 2 empereurs chinois se reprochent que le pays a progressé trop vite, et 2 autres qui ont perdu leur empires ont reproché aux autres pour leur déclin)

Henri K.

Dernière édition par Henri K. le Jeu 29 Mai 2014, 17:36, édité 4 fois
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyJeu 29 Mai 2014, 17:14

L'apparition des ouvrages et des documents R&D depuis 2009 suggère que la Chine a commencé il y a quelques temps le développement des armes spatiales de frappe orbitale.

Quelques exemples, le premier est un ouvrage publié par l'édition des industries de la défense nationale chinoise -




Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyJeu 29 Mai 2014, 20:01

L'Université militaire NUDT (National University of Defense Technology) développe avec succès un système d'imagerie portable à rayonnement pénétrant à plusieurs profils, qui sera utilisé dans les missions anti-terroristes et la détection du cancer...etc.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyJeu 29 Mai 2014, 20:39

Les hauts responsables de l'armée chinoise rendent visite à la 1ère exposition des technologies de pointe développées par les sociétés civiles. La Chine accélère depuis ces dernières années l'implication des sociétés civiles dans les développements de technologies militaires, ceci permet d'optimiser les coûtes et d'améliorer la qualité des produits, cela permettra également un meilleur transfert des technologies militaires vers des applications civiles.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 10:57

Le Ministre de la défense chinois reçoit le Commandant en chef de l'armée de l'air de la Biélorussie. Les deux hommes parlent d'une collaboration plus étroite.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 11:19

En 2013, le secteur de logiciels informatiques en Chine a généré plus de 3000 milliards RMB de chiffre d'affaire, soit près de 400 milliaires d'euro.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 13:43

Une nouvelle ligne de TGV reliant la ville de Guiyang et Guangzhou est en construction. D'une manière générale, une vingtaine de nouvelles lignes de TGV ont démarré les travaux, venant enrichir le réseau ferroviaire de grande vitesse déjà le plus répandu au monde.




























Le réseau TGV chinois d'ici 2020, en estimation.


Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 17:33

Dans la 13ème conférence de sécurité de l'Asie, connu sous le nom de the IISS Asia Security Summit ou The Shangri-La Dialogue, le Ministre de la défense américain a tenu un discours particulièrement musclé à l'égard de la Chine.

De manière nommée, Hagels a notamment dit que : "Nous vous vaincrons", ou encore "La Chine doit comprendre et obéir les règles internationales, règles qui sont établies par les Etats Unis et ses alliés" et "Nous nous engageons à maintenir notre leadership dans le 21ème siècle".

U.S. to Continue to Lead in 21st Century, Hagel Says

Citation :
By Jim Garamone
American Forces Press Service

SINGAPORE, May 30, 2014 – The United States will continue to lead in the Asia-Pacific region, but the methods will change, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said here.

Hagel spoke to the annual Asia Security Summit sponsored by the International Institute of Strategic Studies tonight U.S. time, tomorrow morning Singapore time. It was Hagel’s second trip to the summit, known as the Shangri-La Dialogue, and his fifth trip to the region since becoming defense secretary.

Earlier this week, President Barack Obama laid out the next phase of America’s foreign policy, telling the audience at the U.S. Military Academy commencement that the United States will balance diplomacy, development assistance and military capabilities. A huge part of that effort will be the push to strengthen global partnerships and alliances. This is the heart of the rebalance to the Pacific, Hagel said.

“The rebalance is not a goal, promise, or a vision – it is a reality,” he said.

The secretary listed the strategy’s accomplishments in the past year, including holding a summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, building partnerships with Vietnam and Malaysia, and visiting three treaty allies in the region: Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. The United States and the Philippines announced a new enhanced defense cooperation agreement, and there is progress in the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, he said.

“Diplomatic, economic, and development initiatives are central to the rebalance, and to our commitment to help build and ensure a stable and prosperous region,” the secretary said. “But prosperity is inseparable from security, and the Department of Defense will continue to play a critical role in the rebalance, even as we navigate a challenging fiscal landscape.”
The Asia-Pacific is the region of potential in the 21st century, Hagel said, and the American rebalance is a recognition of that. “But even while advances in human rights, freedom, democracy, technology, and education are yielding better lives and futures for all people, and even as more nations are stepping forward to contribute to regional security, the Asia-Pacific is also confronting serious threats,” he added.

Territorial and maritime disputes in the South and East China seas, North Korea’s provocative behavior and its nuclear weapons and missile programs, the long-term challenge of climate change and natural disasters, and the destructive and destabilizing power of cyberattacks are just a few challenges in the region, the secretary said.

“Continued progress throughout the Asia-Pacific is achievable, but hardly inevitable,” he said. “The security and prosperity we have enjoyed for decades cannot be assured unless all our nations have the wisdom, vision, and will to work together to address these challenges.”

The United States will work with all responsible states to deal with these issues, Hagel said, and will encourage the peaceful resolution of disputes, uphold principles including the freedom of navigation and stand firm against coercion, intimidation, and aggression.

Also, he said, the United States will work to build a cooperative regional architecture based on international rules and norms, will enhance capabilities of allies and partners to provide security for themselves and the region, and will strengthen its own regional defense capabilities.

“One of the most critical tests facing the region is whether nations will choose to resolve disputes through diplomacy and well-established international rules and norms – or through intimidation and coercion,” he said.

The South China Sea is a prime example. The sea is “the beating heart of the Asia-Pacific and a crossroads for the global economy,” Hagel said, and China has undertaken destabilizing, unilateral actions asserting its claims there.

The United States has been clear and consistent in response, Hagel noted. “We take no position on competing territorial claims,” he said. “But we firmly oppose any nation’s use of intimidation, coercion, or the threat of force to assert these claims. We also oppose any effort -- by any nation -- to restrict overflight or freedom of navigation, whether from military or civilian vessels [or] from countries big or small.”

Hagel noted that in November, he announced the U.S. military would not abide by China’s unilateral declaration of an Air Defense Identification Zone in the East China Sea.

“All nations of the region, including China, have a choice: to unite, and recommit to a stable regional order, or, to walk away from that commitment and risk the peace and security that has benefitted millions of people throughout the Asia-Pacific, and billions around the world,” he said. “The United States will support efforts by any nation to lower tensions and peacefully resolve disputes in accordance with international law.”

Diplomacy can work, the secretary said, and it has worked in the recent past as nations across the region negotiated territorial disputes without bloodshed, coercion or provocation.
“The choices are clear, and the stakes are high,” Hagel said. It’s not about a rocky island or even the oil beneath the sea, he said, but rather is about “sustaining the Asia-Pacific’s rules-based order, which has enabled the people of this region to strengthen their security, allowing for progress and prosperity.”

The secretary announced he is tasking Navy Adm. Samuel J. Locklear III, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, to host regional counterparts to discuss concrete ways to establish greater maritime security awareness and coordination.

The United States needs to work with China not only to resolve legal issues, but also to stop North Korea from a history of provocations and attacks that only get more serious as the country pursues nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them, Hagel said.

“The U.S.-China military-to-military dialogue has a long way to go,” he added. “But I have been encouraged by the progress we have made, and continue to make. Our dialogue is becoming more direct and more constructive, getting at the real issues and delivering more results.

“As we expand this dialogue, the United States also supports a sustained and substantive exchange with China on cyber issues,” he continued. “Although China has announced a suspension of the U.S.-China Cyber Working Group, we will continue to raise cyber issues with our Chinese counterparts, because dialogue is essential for reducing the risk of miscalculation and escalation in cyberspace.”

The United States also remains committed to building the capacity of allies and partners in the region through about 130 exercises and engagements, and about 700 port visits annually.
“Next month, the United States will host its annual Rim of the Pacific exercise, the world’s largest maritime exercise, that will feature the first port visit by a New Zealand naval ship to Pearl Harbor [in Hawaii] in more than 30 years, and will include Chinese ships for the first time,” Hagel said.

This cooperative regional security plan will help to build trust and confidence across Asia, Hagel said.

“From Europe to Asia, America has led this effort for nearly seven decades,” he added, “and we are committed to maintaining our leadership in the 21st century.”

Les Etats Unis ont bien décidé de lancer une guerre par procuration, partout où ses intérêts présentent mais où ils n'ont plus autant de moyens d'intervenir directement.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptySam 31 Mai 2014, 23:43

En 2013, plus de 355 000 étudiants ayant fait leur études à l'étranger sont rentrés en Chine, parmi eux 60% ont obtenu un diplôme de licence, plus de 30% une maîtrise et environ 6% un doctorat. Ceux qui ont un doctorat sont principalement dans le secteur de chimie, de biotechnologie et d'ICT.

Selon un jeune docteur qui a obtenu son doctorat en laser et optique à l'Université de Cambridge en Angleterre, l'Occident n'attire plus les jeunes talents chinois à s'y installer, le plupart entre eux préfèrent rentrer en Chine car les conditions et les opportunités sont bien meilleures.

Durant les 30 dernières années, les investissements étrangers ont poussé le développement de l'économie chinoise et tout le reste, mais pour les 30 prochaines années, c'est bien les innovations "Made in China" qui tireront le pays vers la suprématie mondiale, comme ce qu'ils ont fait dans le passé.

La récolte dans les principales régions de production agricole a commencé, plus de 550 000 moissonneuse-batteuses, qui représentent plus de 90% du moyen de récolte, vont travailler pendant environ un mois. La Chine prévoit dore et avant une bonne année de récolte en 2014.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 01 Juin 2014, 19:44

Rien à voir avec la Chine, mais ça mérite de lire au moins une fois...

How five American companies control what you think

Citation :
Published time: May 14, 2014 12:58

Heavy distortions and suppressions of information regarding current Ukrainian events are appearing in US media.

You might wonder how so many different news sources could all completely avoid mentioning that the US government is consciously supporting two radical far-right parties, Svoboda and Right Sector, which are in control of key positions in the coup-installed new 'government' of the Ukraine. You might also wonder why almost all the US mass media news sources could conceal – with vague phrases like ''the sequence of events is not clear' and similar techniques – the role of these extremist organization in murdering dozens of unarmed civilians in the past few days in southeastern Ukraine.

The explanation is surprisingly simple: There aren't numerous US mass media news sources at all; there are just five. Five giant corporations control 90 percent of US mass media. And direct links connect all five of these media conglomerates to the political establishment and the economic and political power-elites of the United States.

These five conglomerates are Time Warner, Disney, Murdochs' News Corporation, Bertelsmann of Germany, and Viacom (formerly CBS). Their control spans most of the newspapers, magazines, books, radio and TV stations, movie studios, and much of the web news content of the United States. These conglomerates are in large measure responsible for inculcating the social, political, economic, and moral values of both adults and children in the United States.

It was not always like this. Immediately after World War II three out of four US newspapers were independently owned. But the media-control numbers have been shrinking ever since then due to mergers, acquisitions, and other processes. By 1983, 50 corporations controlled 90 percent of US media. But today just five giant conglomerates control 90 percent of what most Americans read, watch, and listen to.

It is notable and should be emphasized that all the five major media conglomerates are corporate members of the Council on Foreign relations. This organization is a US think-tank whose members have been instrumental in formulating US government policies resulting in sanctions, destabilization efforts, and outright military attacks on nations which have never attacked the US.

The Council's members’ activities helped to promote the Iraq war, the bombings of Serbia and Libya, and the recent overthrow of the elected government of the Ukraine. The promotion of these policies by the media conglomerates which belong to the Council has been key to preparing the American public to accept these policies.

The media conglomerates’ fellow members of the Council on Foreign relations include a large number of large corporations, powerful CEO's, and present and former government officials. One prominent member is former US National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, whose doctrine calling for US control of the Eurasian landmass, which includes Russia and China, is one of the guiding elements in US foreign policy.

It should also be noted that the conglomerates themselves are giant corporations. They are among the largest companies in the world. They contribute to both of America’s big parties, the Republicans and Democrats, while supporting their policies. US media companies have also received from the Reagan, Clinton, and Bush administrations progressively greater media deregulation, which permitted ever greater media ownership concentration, culminating for the first time in allowing all the media in a community or city to be owned by one company.

Pages would be needed to list the thousands of information outlets now controlled by the five conglomerates. A few examples will have to suffice. News Corp owns Fox News, the Wall Street Journal, Barrons weekly, the London times, far Eastern Economic review, the New York Post, and hundreds of other large and small city and community newspapers, magazines, and internet properties.

Time-warner owns Time Magazine, Fortune Magazine, People Magazine, Sports Illustrated, CNN news group, Turner networks and movies, Warner brothers films, DC Comics, Times online systems, and much more.

And Disney is not just about Mickey Mouse Cartoons these days, as it owns ABC Television, magazine publishing business, Disney Films, Lucas Films, and a huge number of other media and entertainment enterprises.

Following the Government Wherever it goes
Now let us perform a thought experiment to see how far the conglomerates can go to support government foreign policies. Imagine that US policy-makers decide a few years from now that the current US-supported and unelected Ukrainian 'government' no longer serves their interests.

They might then announce that this government is 'undemocratic', 'is a human rights violator' or that it is a 'failed state' and that 'there must be 'regime change' to 'protect the Ukrainian people.'

Following suit, the media conglomerates would then 'sound the alarm.' They would 'discover' the reality – which has existed all along – that “fascist or extreme-right forces are part of the coup-imposed Ukrainian 'government,” that there is a “history of anti-Semitism,” “murders of ethnic-minorities,” and conclude that the US government is right and a humanitarian intervention to remove the government is required.

Is this scenario an impossible one? Not at all. It is precisely how the repressive and brutal government of Saddam Hussein, to cite just one example, was dealt with. For many years he was praised by US officials as a “stalwart ally” and sent billions of dollars’ worth of military aid – and the media conglomerates went along for the ride.

Then, in the twinkling of an eye he was converted by the US government – and by the media – into a “tyrant,” a “ruthless killer,” a possessor of “weapons of mass destruction” aimed at the US; and a man whose country must be invaded.

Or consider Islamic fundamentalists in Afghanistan. For years the US government supported them with weapons and training and portrayed them as 'freedom fighters' against their secular 'socialist government' and the 'Russian occupation'. The media for the most part went along with this narrative.

But then, after 9/11, in the twinkling of an eye, the fundamentalists became (in the eyes of the government and the conglomerates) 'medievalists,' 'oppressors of women,' and harborers of 'terrorism' who must be eliminated via a US invasion.

Recently, the US government, unable after ten years of military occupation to eliminate the Taliban resistance, has again changed course, and is seeking negotiations with the Taliban to include them in the Afghani government. And again the five conglomerates have also changed course to follow the government.

The best advice for anyone seeking to understand current events is to look at the history and realities behind them, and to look at media not controlled by the five conglomerates. Media – including print, television, and internet – is available in multiple languages including English from Russia, China, India, Pakistan, South Africa, the Middle East, Brazil, and other countries. You can easily find this media by internet search. No doubt all media contains bias; but at least your mind will not be shaped solely by the US narrative.

Eric Sommer for RT

A vrai dire ce que dit dans cet article rejoint parfaitement à ce que je pense des médias en général, du monde entier sans exception - le média est avant tout un outil politique...

Henri K.
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Date d'inscription : 03/09/2010

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyDim 01 Juin 2014, 20:28

Henri K. a écrit:
En 2013, le secteur de logiciels informatiques en Chine a généré plus de 3000 milliards RMB de chiffre d'affaire, soit près de 400 milliaires d'euro.
J'imagine que le secteur des logiciels non informatiques a rapporté beaucoup moins.  Mr. Green 
Une question de borne, sans doute.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

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MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyLun 02 Juin 2014, 00:07

La Chine lance depuis 5 ans le programme de "1000 hommes", qui a pour but d'attirer les savants et les experts dans les différents domaines de rentrer en Chine. Un reportage sur Yigong SHI, docteur en biophysique et en structure cristalline, et le premier Chinois qui a obtenu le prix "Gregori Aminoff Prize" de l'Académie royale des sciences de Suède.

Il a renoncé à l'offre de nationalité américaine en 2008 et est rentré en Chine. mais gardent toujours le titre de l'Académicien à l'Académie américaine des arts et des sciences et à l'Académie nationale des sciences des États-Unis. Il est aujourd'hui proviseur du collège des sciences de la vie de l'Université Tsinghua, Académicien en biologie de l'Académie chinoise des sciences...etc. Il est aussi connu pour avoir ouvertement critiqué le système de distribution de fonds de recherche en Chine en 2010.

Depuis 2008, le programme de "1000 hommes" a déjà fait rentrer 4180 chercheurs dont 3 lauréats du Prix Nobel, 46 académiciens des autres pays, et plus de 1430 professeurs dans les différentes spécialités.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMar 03 Juin 2014, 22:10

Les Chinois et les Américains ont 2 façons différentes de faire face à la crise économique.

China Sets America’s Mental Trap

Citation :
NEW HAVEN – The temptations of extrapolation are hard to resist. The trend exerts a powerful influence on markets, policymakers, households, and businesses. But discerning observers understand the limits of linear thinking, because they know that lines bend, or sometimes even break. That is the case today in assessing two key factors shaping the global economy: the risks associated with America’s policy gambit and the state of the Chinese economy.

Quantitative easing, or QE (the Federal Reserve’s program of monthly purchases of long-term assets), began as a noble endeavor – well timed and well articulated as the Fed’s desperate antidote to a wrenching crisis. Counterfactuals are always tricky, but it is hard to argue that the liquidity injections of late 2008 and early 2009 did not play an important role in saving the world from something far worse than the Great Recession.

The combination of product-specific funding facilities and the first round of quantitative easing sent the Fed’s balance sheet soaring to $2.3 trillion by March 2009, from its pre-crisis level of $900 billion in the summer of 2008. And the deep freeze in crisis-ravaged markets thawed.

The Fed’s mistake was to extrapolate – that is, to believe that shock therapy could not only save the patient but also foster sustained recovery. Two further rounds of QE expanded the Fed’s balance sheet by another $2.1 trillion between late 2009 and today, but yielded little in terms of jump-starting the real economy.

This becomes clear when the Fed’s liquidity injections are compared with increases in nominal GDP. From late 2008 to May 2014, the Fed’s balance sheet increased by a total of $3.4 trillion, well in excess of the $2.6 trillion increase in nominal GDP over the same period. This is hardly “Mission accomplished,” as QE supporters claim. Every dollar of QE generated only 76 cents of nominal GDP.

Unlike the United States, which relied largely on its central bank’s efforts to cushion the crisis and foster recovery, China deployed a CN¥4 trillion fiscal stimulus (about 12% of its 2008 GDP) to jump-start its sagging economy in the depths of the crisis. Whereas the US fiscal stimulus of $787 billion (5.5% of its 2009 GDP) gained limited traction, at best, on the real economy, the Chinese effort produced an immediate and sharp increase in “shovel-ready” infrastructure projects that boosted the fixed-investment share of GDP from 44% in 2008 to 47% in 2009.

To be sure, China also eased monetary policy. But such efforts fell well short of those of the Fed, with no zero-interest-rate or quantitative-easing gambits – only standard reductions in policy rates (five cuts in late 2008) and reserve requirements (four adjustments).

The most important thing to note is that there was no extrapolation mania in Beijing. Chinese officials viewed their actions in 2008-2009 as one-off measures, and they have been much quicker than their US counterparts to face up to the perils of policies initiated in the depths of the crisis. In America, denial runs deep.

Unlike the Fed, which continues to dismiss the potential negative repercussions of QE on asset markets and the real economy – both at home and abroad – China’s authorities have been far more cognizant of new risks incurred during and after the crisis. They have moved swiftly to address many of them, especially those posed by excess leverage, shadow banking, and property markets.

The jury is out on whether Chinese officials have done enough. I think that they have, though I concede that mine is a minority view today. In the face of the current growth slowdown, China might well have reverted to its earlier, crisis-tested approach; that it did not is another example of the willingness of its leaders to resist extrapolation and chart a different course.

China has already delivered on that front by abandoning a growth model that had successfully guided the country’s economic development for more than 30 years. It recognized the need to switch from a model that focused mainly on export- and investment-led production (via manufacturing) to one led by private consumption (via services). That change will give China a much better chance of avoiding the dreaded “middle-income trap,” which ensnares most developing economies, precisely because their policymakers mistakenly believe that the recipe for early-stage takeoff growth is sufficient to achieve developed-country status.

The US and Chinese cases do not exist in a vacuum. As I stress in my new book, the codependency of China and America ties them together inextricably. The question then arises as to the consequences of two different policy strategies – American stasis and Chinese rebalancing.

The outcome is likely to be an “asymmetrical rebalancing.” As China changes its economic model, it will shift from surplus saving to saving absorption – deploying its assets to fund a social safety net and thereby temper fear-driven precautionary household saving. Conversely, America seems intent on maintaining its current course – believing that the low-saving, excess-consumption model that worked so well in the past will continue to operate smoothly in the future.

There will be consequences in reconciling these two approaches. As China redirects its surplus saving to support its own citizens, it will have less left over to support saving-short Americans. And that is likely to affect the terms on which the US attracts foreign funding, leading to a weaker dollar, higher interest rates, rising inflation, or some combination of all three. In response, America’s economic headwinds will stiffen all the more.

It is often said that a crisis should never be wasted: Politicians, policymakers, and regulators should embrace the moment of deep distress and take on the heavy burden of structural repair. China seems to be doing that; America is not. Codependency points to an unavoidable conclusion: The US is about to become trapped in the perils of linear thinking.

Written by Stephen S. Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm's chief economist, is a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and a senior lecturer at Yale’s School of Management.

Henri K.
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Henri K.
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Vice-amiral d'Escadre
Henri K.

Nombre de messages : 8260
Age : 44
Ville : Toulouse
Emploi : Ingénieur
Date d'inscription : 27/02/2012

[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Empty
MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMer 04 Juin 2014, 00:11

Le Premier ministre chinois reçoit son homologue koweïtien

Henri K.
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Nombre de messages : 7814
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Date d'inscription : 03/09/2010

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MessageSujet: Autour de la Chine et du Grand Bond en Avant   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMer 04 Juin 2014, 19:52

Un érudit chinois, journaliste à l'agence Xinhua et rédacteur en chef adjoint du très sérieux mensuel Yanhuang Chunqin (Annales chinoises), a publié le résultat d'une douzaine d'années de recherches sur le terrain. Son livre (Mubei, publié à Hong-Kong en 2008, deux tomes, 28 chapitres et 1200 pages) a été partiellement traduit en français et publié par Seuil sous le titre de "Stèles", en mémoire aux 36 millions de morts de la famine de 1958-1961, après le Grand Bond en Avant du président Mao.

Au-delà de l'implacable description des faits (villages entiers effacés par la famine, scènes de cannibalisme et de nécrophagie, exactions des cadres locaux du Parti, tortures et exécutions, abandons d'enfants que les familles ne peuvent plus nourrir, etc.) l'étude, appuyée sur des milliers de pages de sources locales et de nombreux témoignages de première main, décortique les mécanismes qui ont amené à cette horreur. On relèvera plusieurs analogies flagrantes avec les méthodes du NKVD et les mécanismes idéologiques qui ont entraîné l'holodomore, la grande famine en Ukraine qui a fait entre 2,6 et 5 millions de morts en 1932-1933.

Le livre est interdit à la vente en Chine mais a été téléchargé au moins 100 000 fois en Chine. L'auteur estime que, dans une génération, c'est-à-dire après la disparition des derniers protagonistes, il pourra être publié dans ce qui est aujourd'hui la République Populaire de Chine.
[Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 Steles10
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MessageSujet: Re: [Information] Autour de la Chine...   [Information] Autour de la Chine... - Page 4 EmptyMer 04 Juin 2014, 21:18

les "camarades" parlaient de "génération sacrifiée"… après, il y a la révolution culturelle; pas mal non plus.
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