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 looking for information about several haitian gunboats

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looking for information about several haitian gunboats Empty
MessageSujet: looking for information about several haitian gunboats   looking for information about several haitian gunboats EmptyLun 12 Jan 2009, 10:49

Dear ladies and gentleman,

First of all I want to apologize, that I don´t write in french, I´m not capable of speaking your language.
I´m from Germany and I´m looking for information about 4 Haitian gunboats, which had short service careers in the beginning of the 20th century. Since Haiti had strong ties to France, I thought it a good idea to ask for information in a french forum.

The ships are:
Haitian gunboat CROYANT (in service 1903 or after, lost 1908)
Haitian gunboat CENTENAIRE (in service 1904 or after, in existence minimum until 1911)
Haitian gunboat VERTIERES (in service before 1908, decommissioned 1915)
Haitian gunboat PACIFIQUE (in service around 1908, decom 1915)

From CROYANT, CENTENAIRE and VERTIERES I need the basic data like
laid down, launched, commissioned, builder, displacement, length, width, draught, machinery, speed, complement, armour and armament and it would be quite interesting to learn more about their service careers.

From PACIFIQUE I need data about speed, armour and armament.

In case you want to answer to this research question, but hesitate to use the english language, feel free to answer in french. I will be able to figure out, what you have written to me.

Thank you very much!
Ekkehard from Germany
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looking for information about several haitian gunboats Empty
MessageSujet: Re: looking for information about several haitian gunboats   looking for information about several haitian gunboats EmptyLun 12 Jan 2009, 11:43

Hello and welcome on board

You can also send your message in the forum of the following website
According to the period of time, I think it will be the best to go to the following item
Histoire de la Marine : De la naissance de la vapeur à nos jours
I hope this will help
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looking for information about several haitian gunboats Empty
MessageSujet: Re: looking for information about several haitian gunboats   looking for information about several haitian gunboats EmptyDim 18 Jan 2009, 21:52

Okay Monsieurs,

to shift my question from bottom up I will tell you, what hours of Internet-recherche have given to me about the mentioned "Cannonieres".

CENTENAIRE was, before she was commissioned as a gunboat in the "Marine Haitienne", a "Scheibentender", as we say in Allemagne, a tug which would pull practice targets, but I don´t know, for which navy (American, French)?

VERTIÉRES was definitly sold on April 26 1916 by the Haitian Finance department alltogether with the gunboats NORD ALEXIS and PACIFIQUE, to an US american bidder.

Guys, don´t be lazy: Pull your old "Flottes-de-Combat" out of the book-shelf and help me with my questions *smile*!

Kind regards

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Date d'inscription : 05/11/2006

looking for information about several haitian gunboats Empty
MessageSujet: Re: looking for information about several haitian gunboats   looking for information about several haitian gunboats EmptyMar 05 Oct 2010, 09:18

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