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 The loss of HM Submarine E15

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John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

The loss of HM Submarine E15 Empty
MessageSujet: The loss of HM Submarine E15   The loss of HM Submarine E15 EmptyLun 25 Avr 2022, 21:23


A little know document in the Turkish military archives has revealed an amazing spy story linked to the loss of H.M. Submarine E15 as it was attempting to pass through the Dardanelle Straits. Six crew were killed including the Captain and the others were taken prisoner, amongst them an officer who was of particular interest to the Turks.

Read more in the topic "Submarines and Submarines" in the chapter "The Ships" at

And one of the crew was named James Bond !

Take it steady,

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The loss of HM Submarine E15
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