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 Additions/New topics on Naval Technology and Life on board

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John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

Additions/New topics on Naval Technology and Life on board Empty
MessageSujet: Additions/New topics on Naval Technology and Life on board   Additions/New topics on Naval Technology and Life on board EmptyMer 24 Avr 2019, 18:43


We have been busy since the last posting with additions and new topics being uploaded. See the additions to "Women in the Navy", "Airborne Lifeboats" and the two new topics  "The Royal Marines and other Marine Corps" and an original topic entitled "Religion in the Navy".

Have a look !

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Additions/New topics on Naval Technology and Life on board
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