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 Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014

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MessageSujet: Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014   Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014 EmptyVen 24 Oct 2014, 11:05

J'ai eu la chance d’être convié à CATAMARAN 2014 pour couvrir les manœuvres lundi.

Video and photo coverage: Catamaran 2014 large joint amphibious exercise with CVN, LHD, LPD
Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014 HiZDAXh
Citation :
From October 13 to 26, French forces (as well as British ones at staff level) take part in a large-scale operational exercise simulating an expeditionary amphibious operation in a crisis situation. The joint maneuvers take place in the western Mediterranean and the French Riviera. The French Navy (Marine Nationale) invited Navy Recognition to cover the exercise: We could witness some of the amphibious assault, we then got on board an EDA-R (L-CAT) to reach the Mistral LHD at sea and the pinnacle of the event was a tour on board the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier.
Video and photo coverage: Catamaran 2014 large joint amphibious exercise with CVN, LHD, LPD
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MessageSujet: Re: Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014   Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014 EmptySam 25 Oct 2014, 09:15

Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014 Smiley_a pour ce reportage
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Reportage photo et video CATAMARAN 2014
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