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 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...

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50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... EmptySam 12 Aoû 2006, 21:41

Moin, moin together!

Bloody good wether; sunshine the whole day. No problems at the Wilhelmshaven Naval Base - Open House for all - the car near the harbour ... a look around the area ... looks fine ...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Schlepper-RhPfalz-Hamburg

Near to two harbour-tugs the frigate "Rheinland-Pfalz" and the frigate "Hamburg"; open for public, naturellement ...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... GorchFock-Spessart-K%C3%B6ln

On the other side the sail training ship "Gorch Fock" and the Oiler "Spessart" - open ship possible.

At first, entering the "Rheinland-Pfalz", ting, ting, ting ....

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Schiffsglocke-Rheinland-Pfa

A view from the stern and from the bow ...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... F209-Heck-und-Gorch-Fock

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... F-209-Rheinland-Pfalz-schra

A walk back and straight to the "Hamburg"; ok., "Gorch Fock" - one shot ...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Gorch-Fock-Bugansicht

... "Hamburg" - some pints on the way and on the table ...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... F-220-Hamburg-Seite-von-ach

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... F-220-Hamburg-Seitenansicht

The frigates of the "Sachsen"-class, very powerful ... and a view on the harbour tug...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Y-814-Knechtsand-von-achter

The next step to the "Mecklenburg-Vorpommern" .. impossible to enter; the crew was very busy ..

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... _F-218-Meck-Pomm-Bug-vorne-

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... F--218-MeckPomm-Seite-Bbd-v

After this, a good walk to the oldest ship in the German Navy, the "Westerwald", an ammunition transporter ... always in a very good shape...

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... A-1435-Seitenansicht-vorn-B

So, I'll hope, you'll enjoy my little story from Wilhelmshaven ...

With the best regards
the Wilfried
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Amiral de la Flotte
Amiral de la Flotte

Nombre de messages : 1270
Age : 56
Ville : mouans sartoux (06)
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2005

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... EmptyDim 13 Aoû 2006, 07:10

well done cheers cheers cheers

frog of war le e-zine des pousseurs de pions.
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Amiral de la Flotte
Amiral de la Flotte

Nombre de messages : 670
Age : 45
Ville : aisne
Emploi : labo
Date d'inscription : 01/08/2005

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... EmptyDim 13 Aoû 2006, 10:18

Thanks!!!! cheers

Very good pics!!! thumleft

The last frigates of the Bundesmarine are very impressive! Mr. Green

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Voltacopieue4
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Enseigne de vaisseau 1ère classe
Enseigne de vaisseau 1ère classe

Nombre de messages : 2353
Age : 53
Ville : Courcelles, Hainaut , Belgique
Emploi : Tech en Informatique
Date d'inscription : 22/11/2005

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... EmptyDim 13 Aoû 2006, 11:49

Danke! Wilfried Mr. Green

Die Photos sind prächtig salut

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Signaturemilitaria
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Amiral de la Flotte
Amiral de la Flotte

Nombre de messages : 7378
Age : 53
Ville : Paris 12ème
Emploi : Fonctionnaire
Date d'inscription : 03/06/2006

50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... EmptyLun 14 Aoû 2006, 19:24

Very Nice......... lol!

kentoc'h mervel eget bezañ saotret (plutôt la mort que la souillure) devise de la Bretagne.
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50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: 50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...   50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ... Empty

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50th Anniversary of the German Navy - some impressions ...
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