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 The workings of Foudre, a torpedo boat carrier

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John Seal
Matelot de 2ème classe
Matelot de 2ème classe
John Seal

Nombre de messages : 110
Age : 72
Ville : Marseille
Emploi : A la retraite
Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018

The workings of Foudre, a torpedo boat carrier Empty
MessageSujet: The workings of Foudre, a torpedo boat carrier   The workings of Foudre, a torpedo boat carrier EmptyMar 04 Oct 2022, 17:41


We have just uploaded a series of photographs on our Web site* about the workings of the late 19th century French torpedo boat carrier Foudre. Some photographs give exceptional views of the gantry system and gearing used to lower and raise the light torpedo boats at sea. See "Fast and Furious" under the heading "The Ships".

Have a look !

Take it steady,


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The workings of Foudre, a torpedo boat carrier
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