John Seal Matelot de 2ème classe
Nombre de messages : 110 Age : 72 Ville : Marseille Emploi : A la retraite Date d'inscription : 12/04/2018
| Sujet: Photograph of RN and INJ staff Sam 25 Sep 2021, 18:05 | |
| Hello, Can anyone help me locate where this photograph was taken and when? I have looked at the careers of the officers in the front row and it may be from the 1908 London Naval Conference. However, France and the U.S.A. were also present at the conference yet none of their officers appear in the photograph. Furthermore, there are officers who would normally not be involved in the conference negotiations, for example surgeons and paymasters. I am working on a new website topic on the emergence of the IJN but you can already find a few photographs of Japanese warships on my website Have a look ! Kind regards, John |
pascal Vice-amiral
Nombre de messages : 6699 Age : 59 Ville : marseille Emploi : fonctionnaire Date d'inscription : 08/02/2009
| Sujet: Re: Photograph of RN and INJ staff Dim 26 Sep 2021, 07:42 | |
| La moitié des officiers sont des Japonais, souvent des hommes de haut rang Togo, Yamamoto Gombei, ou promis comme Kato à un grand avenir je dirais que la photo a été prise au Japon à l'occasion d'une manifestation (couronnement ?) |