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 The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth

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2 participants
Matelot de 1ère Classe
Matelot de 1ère Classe

Nombre de messages : 180
Age : 65
Ville : Kizlyar
Emploi : le fermier
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2019

The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  EmptySam 29 Fév 2020, 23:35

Tides are not formed along the entire coast of the seas and oceans, but only on those coasts where there is a high speed of currents.
And the higher the speed of currents along the coast, the higher the amplitude of the tidal wave.
On those coasts where the speed of currents is 0 km / h, the amplitude of the tides is also 0 meters.

The waters of the lakes, seas and oceans of the northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise, and the waters of the southern hemisphere rotate clockwise, forming cyclonic gyres.
And everything that rotates, including the cycles, has the property of a gyroscope - to maintain the vertical position of the axis in space, regardless of the rotation of the Earth.

If you look at the Earth from the side of the Sun, the gyres, rotating with the Earth, turn over twice a day, thanks to which the gyres precess (sway by 1-2 degrees) and reflect a tidal wave from themselves along the entire perimeter of the gyre.

The waters of the White Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming a huge gyroscope whirlwind, which precessing reflects the tidal wave along the entire perimeter of the White Sea. A similar pattern of tides is observed in all lakes, seas and oceans.
White Sea.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea rotate counterclockwise, forming tides 10–15 cm high. In the Gulf of Gabes, off the coast of Tunisia, the height of the tides reaches three meters, and sometimes more, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature. But at the same time, the whirlpool rotates in the Gulf of Gabes, precessing reflecting an additional tidal wave.
The tidal wave in the Amazon River creates a huge planetary circulation with a diameter of several thousand km., Rotating between South America and North Africa, covering the mouth of the Amazon River.
The pattern of movement of the tidal wave along the perimeter of the North Atlantic planetary circulation (according to satellite data).

The length of the tidal wave depends on the diameter of the rotation.
The height of the tidal wave depends on the rotation speed of the rotation, the orbital velocity of the Earth and the time of the rotation of the rotation (12 hours).
A = V1 • V2 / t
Where, A is the amplitude of the tidal wave.
V1 is the rotation speed of the rotation.
V2 is the orbital velocity of the Earth.
t is the time of the rollover of the cycle (12 hours).
Table of tidal amplitude versus current velocity, on all coasts.
1 km / h - 1 meter.
5 km / h - 5 meter.
10 km / h - 10 meter.
15 km / h - 15 meter.
The amplitude of the tides also depends on the size of the cycle, the amount of water under the cycle, the distance from the coast to the cycle and on the direction of the current (north, south, west, east).
The currents that move along the equator reflect a tidal wave north and south twice a day.
And the currents that move along the meridian reflect a tidal wave west and east 1-2 times a day.
A simple experiment can be made if you rotate the globe around the axis and in orbit, entwined along the equator and meridian with a plastic hose in which the fluid moves.
By the height of the tides, you can determine the speed of the current along the coast, relying on the map of sea currents.

The tidal cycle theory can be easily verified by relating the tidal height to the rotation speed of the cycle.
List of seas, with an average flow rate of more than 0.5 km / h and tidal heights of more than 50 cm:
Irish Sea, North Sea, Barents Sea, Baffin Sea, White Sea, Bering Sea, Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Arabian Sea, Sargas Sea, Hudson Bay, Maine Bay, Alaska Bay, etc.
List of seas, with an average flow rate of less than 0.5 km / h, and a tidal height of less than 50 cm:
Baltic Sea, Greenland Sea, Black Sea, Sea of ​​Azov, Chukchi Sea, Kara Sea, Laptev Sea, Red Sea, Sea of ​​Marmara, Caribbean Sea, Sea of ​​Japan, Gulf of Mexico, etc.
Experience on the topic: Tides - the result of the rotation of the Earth and the cycles

Continuation: "The mechanism of thermoregulation of the Earth."
Forum Akademgorodok Novosibirsk. The science.
Forum of Nizhny Novgorod State University named after N.I. Lobachevsky.
The opening was published in the Russian-German peer-reviewed journal “Eastern European Scientific Journal” No. 3/2015. Page 64. June
Scientific journal NBIKS-Nauka.Tehnologii No. 4/2018. Page 104.
(Nanotechnological Society of Russia).
English forum. "Weather/Earth sciences"
Criticism of the lunar theory of tides.

According to the Static Tidal Theory, the Lunar tidal wave moves from east to west following the moon, at a speed of 1600 km / h, skirting the Earth in 24 hours, flooding only the eastern shores of the continents. But after centuries it was discovered.
1. That the Lunar tidal wave floods both the western and southern and northern coasts of the continents?
2. That the speed of a tidal wave of 1600 km / h is detrimental to both continents and marine fauna?
3. That not two tidal humps function simultaneously across the globe, but more than a hundred, regardless of the location of the Moon?
4. That abnormally high tides for some reason are formed in semi-closed bays, where there is no direct access to the tidal wave. And in the bays open to the tidal wave, there are no tides at all, or are they small?

Later, the Dynamic theory of tides was proposed, which was supposed to answer all the questions posed.
According to the dynamic theory of tides, the Lunar tidal wave moves from east to west at a speed of 800 to 1600 km / h.
Crashing into the continents, part of the wave is scattered in place, and the reflected part rotates around the ocean, thanks to the Coriolis effect. Like water that spins in a cup when you slide the cup back and forth.
The only link on the Internet that reveals the "essence" of the dynamic theory of tides.

But the dynamic theory of tides does not answer all the questions posed.
1. What is the mechanism of tidal wave scattering in the region of collision of the tidal hump with the continent?
2. If the cup of water is moved back and forth, the water will splash out and not rotate.
3. How does the tidal current that travels along the coast create the ebb and flow?
4. While the tidal wave makes one revolution around the Earth, the Moon makes two revolutions, how is the gravitational connection between the Moon and the tidal hump carried out?
5. In order for the Lunar tidal hump to exist, a nonuniform gravitational field is necessary, and for this, the Moon must constantly be above the hump, otherwise the hump will fall apart?
6. If the Moon created the tidal hump on Earth, it would not be an ellipse but a "drop". (The force of gravity is stacked, not compensated)?
7. Tidal waves are synchronized with the diurnal rotation of the earth and lag behind by 50 minutes daily.
The moon is out of sync with the tidal waves. (There is only one moon, but there are hundreds of tidal waves on Earth)?
8. It is believed that anomalously high "Tides of the century" with an amplitude of 15 meters in the Gulf of Saint-Malo are formed during the parade of planets, then why in other bays of the Northern Hemisphere, during the parade of planets, abnormally high "Tides of the century" are not formed.
Moreover, in some bays of the Northern Hemisphere during the parade of the planets, abnormally low tides of the century are formed. (Bay of Fundy, Ungava Bay, Mezen Bay, Penzhinskaya Bay, etc.)?
9. According to the lunar tide theory, the maximum tides in the northern hemisphere should occur in the summer, when the moon and sun move over the seas of the northern hemisphere.
In reality, the maximum tides in the northern hemisphere are formed - in spring and autumn, when the Moon and the Sun are in the southern hemisphere.
The record high tide in the Bay of Fundy - 21 meters - occurred on the night of October 5, 1869, when the Moon and Sun were in the southern hemisphere.
The cyclical theory of tides explains this by the fact that the speed of rotation of the gyres increases in spring and autumn.
10. How to explain the fact that in the Southwest Australia in the port of Fremantle the tides are significant for part of the year and then disappear.
Once a year, in the Northern Dvina delta, during the spring flood, the ebb and flow mysteriously disappear for several days, sometimes for a week, and this is considered one of the mysteries of nature?
11. According to the Lunar tide theory, the maximum tides are formed in the phase of the new moon and full moon, and the minimum - in the first and last quarter.
But in reality, the maximum tides are formed in the new moon phase, the minimum - in the full moon phase.
12. The modern tide table is made by trial and error, and adjusted to the lunar theory of tides.
It is quite easy to compile a tide table by trial and error, for the reason that the tide heights are almost the same every year, except for the bays into which the rivers flow.
Tide tables were compiled long before the discovery of tide theory (by trial and error).
The same tables are used today; they are updated annually based on long-term data.
13. What theory was the Chinese tidal calendar based on in 1100?
The editorial board of the journal is ready to withdraw the article if an objective critical review is written. Scientific journal "NBIKS-Science. Technologies"
The rule of recall (retraction) of an article from publication

Dernière édition par Yusup le Lun 10 Aoû 2020, 08:21, édité 10 fois
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Nombre de messages : 12880
Age : 42
Ville : Au septième Ciel… sous la dunette
Emploi : Passagère du Vent
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2010

The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  EmptyVen 06 Mar 2020, 09:11

Citation :
In winter, the earth comes closer to the sun […]
… in boreal winter, obviously…
Citation :
[…] and during the record super moon the sun draws the moon more strongly to the earth with its gravitational force. […]
It must indeed distort the ellipse of its trajectory.
Citation :
[…] Therefore, the winter record super moon is visually larger than the summer. […]
Yes, that does hold it  thumleft (let's note that this is a boreal vision of the question; our southern contemporaries see the seasons upside down from us).
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Matelot de 1ère Classe
Matelot de 1ère Classe

Nombre de messages : 180
Age : 65
Ville : Kizlyar
Emploi : le fermier
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2019

The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  EmptyDim 02 Aoû 2020, 12:43

According to the Lunar tide theory, the maximum tides are formed in the phase of the new moon and full moon, and the minimum - in the first and fourth quarter.
But in reality, the maximum tides are formed in the new moon, the minimum - in the full moon.

Dernière édition par Yusup le Mar 04 Aoû 2020, 13:25, édité 1 fois
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Nombre de messages : 12880
Age : 42
Ville : Au septième Ciel… sous la dunette
Emploi : Passagère du Vent
Date d'inscription : 21/06/2010

The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  EmptyLun 03 Aoû 2020, 10:37

Yusup a écrit:
According to the lunar tide theory, the maximum tides are formed in the phase of new moon and full moon.
But in reality, the maximum tides are formed in the new moon, the minimum in the full moon.
So, what?!? The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Doh Reality no longer agrees with theory? The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Diplomad It's amazing, that !! affraid The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Homer5
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Matelot de 1ère Classe
Matelot de 1ère Classe

Nombre de messages : 180
Age : 65
Ville : Kizlyar
Emploi : le fermier
Date d'inscription : 20/02/2019

The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  EmptyMar 25 Aoû 2020, 14:08

It is believed that the abnormally high "tides of the century" 15 meters high in the Gulf of Saint-Malo, France, are formed during the parade of the planets. Then why in other bays of France and the northern hemisphere, during the parade of the planets, abnormally high "tides of the century" are not formed.
Moreover, in some bays of the Northern Hemisphere during the parade of planets, abnormally low "tides of the century" are formed. (Bay of Fundy, Ungava, Mezen, Penzhinskaya Bay, etc.).
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The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth    The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth  Empty

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The ebb and flow is the result of the rotation of the Earth
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