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 Someone to do something fun

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Someone to do something fun Empty
MessageSujet: Someone to do something fun   Someone to do something fun EmptyVen 23 Fév 2018, 06:22


I've never played a game against anyone before, so i thought hey, why not do something fun instead of just play a normal game with someone, i thought of an idea of how to make really cool match replays by scripting out events to happen in a match, for instance get in a game with another person, and tell eachother where they're going to be placing what units so we can cause really cool scripted battles to happen, for instance lets say you wanted a bunch of infantry to be in a village during a match but to get bombarded by howitzer fire from a distance by the enemy team just for the dramatic effect, welll we can do that, it might not be the right way to play the gamee but sounds like an idea, anyone wanna play with me and try it out?


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Amiral de la Flotte
Amiral de la Flotte

Nombre de messages : 1270
Age : 56
Ville : mouans sartoux (06)
Date d'inscription : 16/08/2005

Someone to do something fun Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Someone to do something fun   Someone to do something fun EmptyVen 23 Fév 2018, 09:25

I think this is not the right place for your kind of game. it would better to try : a real wargamer website. the main goal of this forum is only to chat about ships and navy

frog of war le e-zine des pousseurs de pions.
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Loïc Charpentier
Capitaine de vaisseau
Capitaine de vaisseau
Loïc Charpentier

Nombre de messages : 4868
Age : 77
Ville : Oberbronn
Emploi : retraité "actif"
Date d'inscription : 24/01/2013

Someone to do something fun Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Someone to do something fun   Someone to do something fun EmptyMar 03 Avr 2018, 14:38

Il nous fait quoi, le Boer? lol!
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Nombre de messages : 992
Age : 75
Ville : Lotharingie
Emploi : Casquette à carreaux
Date d'inscription : 07/06/2017

Someone to do something fun Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Someone to do something fun   Someone to do something fun EmptyMar 03 Avr 2018, 16:16

Voyons Loïc, il veut le Boer et l'argent du Boer !!! Someone to do something fun Doh Someone to do something fun Doh
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MessageSujet: Re: Someone to do something fun   Someone to do something fun Empty

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