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Rettungsboje Empty
MessageSujet: Rettungsboje   Rettungsboje EmptySam 22 Aoû 2009, 20:09

Bonjours à tous !

Je me suis mis dans la tête , de faire un dio mettant en scène une S-Boot d' une classe antérieur à la 100 ( sortie hypothétique ) et d'un Rettungsboje !

Rettungsboje Img024

Ne disposant pas de photos détaillées du mât , je cherche à savoir comment " ça marche " . Shocked

Bien sur ces radeaux n'avaient pas de voile et étaient ancrés dans la Manche . Rettungsboje Marino_p

Ersnt Udet les avait crées pour récupérer ses précieux pilotes descendus pendant la bataille d'Angleterre ! Sad

Donc ce mât comportait 3 câbles ? avec des poulies ?

Il y avait aussi une bouée d'ancre noire pour signaler l'ancrage !

Comment se présente cette bouée dans les années 40 ?

2 disques entrecroisés ou un volume ?

Beaucoup de questions pour un nouveau , hein ! Boulet

Dsl , mais je suis un pinailleur , Rettungsboje Zinzin !

Rettungsboje Smiley_a de m'avoir lu jusqu'au bout et dans l'attente de vos réponses cheers .

Cordialement , Franz A+
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Capitaine de corvette
Capitaine de corvette

Nombre de messages : 3270
Age : 44
Ville : Massilia
Emploi : Yep
Date d'inscription : 06/11/2007

Rettungsboje Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rettungsboje   Rettungsboje EmptyLun 24 Aoû 2009, 13:38

Franz a écrit:

La description totale et complète (en anglais):

The Germans have developed deluxe buoys for flyers of the Luftwaffe brought down while operating over the English Channel. The Rettungsboje was constructed under the direction of the German Ministry of Air Navigation in 1941 at the suggestion of Generaloberst Ernest Udet. These buoys, called Generalluftzeugmeister after their sponsor, are anchored far offshore. They have saved many German airmen that ships or coastal planes might have been too late to rescue.

The buoys are of square or hexagonal construction and have a floor space of about 43 square feet with an 8-foot cabin rising above the float. On the upper deck of this cabin, there is an oval turret 6 feet high with a signal mast carrying a wireless antenna. Tube railings to which the distressed flyers may cling run along the outer circumference below and above the water line. A ladder leads up to the turret, in which there is a door opening into the cabin below.
Rettungsboje Rescue-buoy
A 320-foot red and yellow striped rope anchors the buoy at a fixed location, but allows a limited drift, thereby indicating the direction of the current to aircraft in distress. The buoy is painted light yellow above the water line, and red crosses against white oval backgrounds are painted on each side of the turret. The cabin accommodates four persons comfortably for several days, and in an emergency, the crews of several aircraft can be taken care of. It is electrically lighted by storage batteries, but in case of a breakdown kerosene lamps or other lighting devices are provided. There are two double-deck beds and adequate cupboard space for first-aid equipment, dry clothing and shoes, emergency rations, and a water supply. Hot food may be prepared on an alcohol stove. Cognac to relieve chill and cigarettes to quiet the nerves are also provided. Games, stationery, playing cards, etc. afford diversion until rescue is effected. Depleted supplies are always immediately replaced upon the arrival of the rescue ship.

Rettungsboje Rettungsboje-udet-buoy
A tubular lifeboat is available for transferring the downed aviators from the buoy to the ship.

Signalling is accomplished by hoisting a black anchor ball and a yellow and red striped flag on the mast during the day. At night, red and white lights in the turret indicate that rescued men are on board. A white anchor light on the mast is visible for 3,000 feet or more. SOS signals giving the location of the buoy are automatically sent out by an emergency wireless transmitter. Signal pistols with red and white lights, white-light parachute flares, or a smoke, distress-signalling apparatus complete the signalling equipment. Other equipment includes plugs to stop up bullet holes in the walls of the cabin and a pump for the expulsion of seepage. The accompanying sketches illustrate these buoys.

Galerie de photos:

Rettungsboje 1448228472_b5b027e071
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Rettungsboje Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rettungsboje   Rettungsboje EmptyMar 25 Aoû 2009, 19:15

Bonjour !

Rettungsboje Smiley_a de tes recherches Colombamike !

J'ai déjà collecté ces infos ainsi que les photos de Luftarchives et d'un forum anglais .
Mais comme il n'y à pas de photos correctes du mât ( en détail ) Boulet ,je pense que vous pourriez m'aider pour savoir comment cela se passe sur cet équipement !

Cordialement , Franz A+
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Rettungsboje Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Rettungsboje   Rettungsboje Empty

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